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Everything posted by Lunya

  1. Thanks, this solved my problem.
  2. This line of logs shows the url it is trying to access. [23:12:53] [Forge Version Check/INFO]: [diamondworldhelper] Starting version check at
  3. Some time ago my mod could be updated via Forge Version Check. Today I noticed that when the mod checks for new versions, an error pops up. I eventually realized that the problem was in the response status code, which was 304. After that, I fixed this problem and now the response status code is constantly 200. But the version check error has not disappeared. Even when requesting from a domain, the problem remains the same. Requests are processed through js express. [23:12:53] [Forge Version Check/INFO]: [diamondworldhelper] Starting version check at [23:12:53] [Worker-Main-4/INFO]: [OptiFine] Multitexture: false [23:12:54] [Forge Version Check/WARN]: Failed to process update information java.lang.NullPointerException: null at net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker$1.openUrlString(VersionChecker.java:160) ~[?:?] at net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker$1.process(VersionChecker.java:187) [?:?] at net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker$1$$Lambda$3709/1310274302.accept(Unknown Source) [?:?] at java.lang.Iterable.forEach(Iterable.java:75) [?:1.8.0_51] at net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker$1.run(VersionChecker.java:128) [?:?] https://imgur.com/a/0oR3PIL Response: net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker:
  4. @SubscribeEvent public void onChatMessageEvent(ClientChatReceivedEvent event){ if(check(event.getMessage()) //Checked, it returns true { minecraft.displayGuiScreen(new ChatScreen("/mute "+ nick + " ")); } }
  5. I want to open a chat with default string. I had an idea to do it via: mc.displayGuiScreen(new ChatScreen("test")); But for some reason this doesn't work. How can I open a chat with default string?
  6. I want to register a command for the client only, when logging into a third party vanilla server. For several days, I tried to implement this through: public class comds implements CommandBase {....} but in 1.16.5 there is no such interface and also via: @SubscribeEvent public void CommandEvent(RegisterCommandsEvent ev) { commands.register(ev.getDispatcher()); } And a few more methods that I managed to unearth. But in the end it didn't work out. ADD: I would like to have my commands autocomplete. Therefore, I would like to avoid processing them through ClientChatEvent.
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