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  1. And also, FYI, there is a working gun and bullet tutorial on the tutorials page.
  2. Can you post your entity and item classes?
  3. Your arrow position is being set on top of your player entity in your 'setPosition' method. Using player.posX and player.posZ would set the arrow to be on top of the entity, causing collisions.
  4. Instead of 'theMinecraft' try using 'getMinecraft()'.
  5. First, are you registering the entities with EntityRegistry? Then, what method are you spawning the bullet within the item class?
  6. Yeah, I feel really stupid right now. I realized I saved the image into my folder where I put my mcp files to compile them, instead of into my work files. Derp.
  7. The other items are showing up. I deleted the file and resaved it as flamethrower.*png* (without the *) but it still is coming up with the same error. I wonder if it has to do with file format?
  8. 2013-06-13 21:10:50 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Client] TextureManager.createTexture called for file mods/TrenchCraft/textures/items/flamethrower.png, but that file does not exist. Ignoring.
  9. Hi! I am coding a mod that includes a flamethrower. I have the following code for getting the image: itemIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("TrenchCraft:flamethrower"); But when I run Minecraft, the image is not located by the TextureManager, but at mods\TrenchCraft\textures\items there is a file called flamethrower.png. Any help? Here is a picture of my mods\TrenchCraft\textures\items folder: [/img] Thanks in advance!
  10. To reference an item as an ItemStack, as simply use new ItemStack(Item.bucketEmpty); Replace Item.bucketEmpty with your item. To reference it in terms of a player's current item, simply use new ItemStack(par3EntityPlayer.inventory.getCurrentItem()); Hope this helps!
  11. Instead of using the separate class for registering your names, just do it in your main class in the @Init method. This piece of code is what is giving you errors: MTRegistry.registerNames(this); When it calls this it calls all of your mod blocks and names them all every name in the order they are in the class file, meaning that all of your blocks end up being named "Incinerator." Same goes for items.
  12. I am making a mod that requires you to craft a pocket knife. When you use the pocket knife in crafting recipes, it takes damage. I have the code done for it to take damage, but the game will not let me craft the specified item if the pocket knife has taken damage. Item Class: Crafting Handler: Crafting Recipes: Is there any code I need to add to any of these to allow the bark to be crafted even if the pocket knife has a damage value? Thanks in advance!
  13. I am making a mod that adds a few flowers, among other things, and I am trying to make a block (a flower) that can only be placed in the Taiga biome. Are there any functions in Forge to check the biome when placing the block? Thanks in advance!
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