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Everything posted by babukabarabuka

  1. I was wondering if there is an event that triggers when something gets printed to the console/logger. I couldn't find it but if there is a way, that would be convenient.
  2. I still get the headless environment error message on forge 1.16.5 any ideas?
  3. I want to be able to press buttons inside the server disconnected GUI and the Server select GUI from a client-side mod. I am playing on an SMP with a few other people, and we build lots of farms in which a lot of people afk. AFK-ing is fully allowed on the server, but my internet cuts out quite frequently, so I wanted to make a forge mod that would automatically reconnect (I know there is an autoreconnect mod for fabric, but we use forge mods on the client-side for a lot of things). I have tried mc.currentScreen.mouseClicked(x, y, 0); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new GuiScreenEvent.MouseClickedEvent.Pre(mc.currentScreen, x, y, 0)); , but I need a way to find the "back to server menu" button's location, as it changes depending on GUI scale. I also tried doing mouseClicked(x,y,0) for every 10th pixel, but that still didn't work, so maybe this just doesn't work. please help.
  4. I want to reset the player's block breaking progress at an arbitrary point in time, but I cannot cancel the block breaking event itself, as that is against the rules of the server I will use my mod on. mc.playerController.resetBlockRemoving(); only works 1/3rd of the time and i have no idea why. KeyBinding.setKeyBindState(mc.gameSettings.keyBindAttack.getKey() , false); and then waiting 0.5 seconds (ideally i want to wait much less) and then KeyBinding.setKeyBindState(mc.gameSettings.keyBindAttack.getKey() , true); also works 1/3rd of the time. please help. I have been stuck for a couple of hours.
  5. I want to make a client-side that allows you to type a command which it will detect, and then show you some information. I have figured out how to detect when the player has entered that command, and how to stop it from being sent to the server, but i can't figure out how to show the information the player requested in the chat (I don't wan't a custom gui) without sending that message to the server. mc.player.sendMessage() send the message to the server, and I wan't a way to stop it from doing so.
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