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  1. Hello, I appreciate the time spent assisting with this issue; I've recently paired up with a friend to slap a modpack together so that I can host a server on my computer. Starting up the server initially seemed to work fine albeit I didn't include a server IP on the original attempt just to see if it'd work. Server starts up, gets hung up and doesn't seem to work. I close the server, open the regular minecraft sever file within which created a couple of it's own files. Whitelists and the like. After deleting the world folder and restarting the server boots up fine only I hadn't included my own IP. After ensuring my ports are set to my PC and that the IPs are right, the server now kicks back with a No Server Set error. https://gyazo.com/775f3b7e16b9dfddd0476e50acf08bef is the exact screenshot I have of this error. I'm racking my brain, but I'm sure it's something simple I've overlooked.
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