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  1. So I have tried removing the isRemote condition as well as inverting the isRemote condition but both don't let me take the Item out of the output slot
  2. I would like to add Anvil "Recipes" I saw some similar posts here on the forum saying that I need to Subscribe to the AnvilUpdateEvent I also managed to show the "Recipe" in the Anvil but if I try to take the Itemresult out of the Anvil it doesn't do anything Here is my AnvilEvent:
  3. I would like to Render my Food Bar like the Hunger effect. I would assume I need to do that by Subscribing to the RenderGameOverlayEvent but I don't know how I can change the Icon from there.
  4. Alright thanks, creating a new Multimap fixed my issue
  5. I am trying to edit the Attributes of a Custom Class extending SwordItem. To do that I am Overriding the getAttributeModifiers Method like this: @Override public Multimap<Attribute, AttributeModifier> getAttributeModifiers(EquipmentSlotType slot, ItemStack stack) { final Multimap<Attribute, AttributeModifier> attributes = super.getAttributeModifiers(slot, stack); if(slot == EquipmentSlotType.MAINHAND) { replaceModifier(attributes, Attributes.ATTACK_SPEED, EnmaItem.ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER, 2); } return attributes; } with Extracted Method replaceModifier: private void replaceModifier(Multimap<Attribute, AttributeModifier> attributes, Attribute attribute, UUID id, double multiplier) { final Collection<AttributeModifier> modifiers = attributes.get(attribute); AttributeModifier selectedModifier = null; for (AttributeModifier modifier: modifiers) { if(modifier.getID().equals(id)) { selectedModifier = modifier; break; } } if(selectedModifier != null) { modifiers.remove(selectedModifier); modifiers.add(new AttributeModifier( selectedModifier.getID(), selectedModifier.getName(), selectedModifier.getAmount() * multiplier, selectedModifier.getOperation())); } } But I get an UnsupportedOpterationException which means that the modifiers.remove() is not supported by my collection. I just don't know how I can try to edit the Attributes differntly.
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