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Everything posted by Zaksen

  1. How can I make non-mandatory compatibility with another mod? that is, if this mod exists, then there are functions for it, if not, then no
  2. sorry i create 2 threads because i doesn't see first
  3. I need a make a large crate with 91 slots, but when i open it game crash and logs send Slot 55 not in valid range - [0,55) Block Class BlockEntity Class BlockMenu Class BlockScreen Class can somebody explain me, what is wrong? before that block i do 5 crate's and they are work if you need Github Repo: https://github.com/zaDR0tic/FancyDecorativeBlocks/tree/master
  4. I need a make a large crate with 91 slots, but when i open it game crash and logs send Slot 55 not in valid range - [0,55) Block Class BlockEntity Class BlockMenu Class BlockScreen Class can somebody explain me, what is wrong? before that block i do 5 crate's and they are work if you need Github Repo: https://github.com/zaDR0tic/FancyDecorativeBlocks/tree/master
  5. I make a crate that need to have 45 but when i try open it, he not opening. in logs he sand like Container size 41 is smaller than expected 45 GoldCrate GoldCrateEntity GoldCrateMenu GoldCrateSreen if you need there is Github Repo: https://github.com/zaDR0tic/FancyDecorativeBlocks
  6. https://ibb.co/PhvQRVp i fix this private void addPlayerInventory(Inventory playerInv) { for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for(int l = 0; l < 9; ++l) { this.addSlot(new Slot(playerInv, l + i * 9 + 9, 8 + l * 18, 66 + i * 18)); } } } private void addPlayerHotbar(Inventory playerInventory) { for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { this.addSlot(new Slot(playerInventory, i, (8 + i * 18), 124)); } }
  7. https://ibb.co/tZ64qP2 this is 256 size in both values i need change slots positions or add offset for, but how...
  8. i copy the vanilla image and just move screen up
  9. the size of the photo is 256 by 256, but the size of the window inside is the one that I indicated
  10. i change AbsractContainerMenu variables but result the same
  11. https://ibb.co/3rQ28Vz so i do something wrong? @Override protected void renderBg(PoseStack PoseStack, float PartialTick, int MouseX, int MouseY) { RenderSystem.setShader(GameRenderer::getPositionTexShader); RenderSystem.setShaderColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); RenderSystem.setShaderTexture(0, TEXTURE); int ImageWidth = 176; int ImageHeight = 148; int x = (width - ImageWidth) / 2; int y = (height - ImageHeight) / 2; this.blit(PoseStack, x, y, 0, 0, ImageWidth, ImageHeight); }
  12. Menu https://github.com/zaDR0tic/FancyDecorativeBlocks/blob/master/src/main/java/com/zaksen/fancydecorativeblocks/screen/WoodCrateMenu.java Screen https://github.com/zaDR0tic/FancyDecorativeBlocks/blob/master/src/main/java/com/zaksen/fancydecorativeblocks/screen/WoodCrateScreen.java
  13. i want to make crate with 9 slots, my crate slots and name in valid place, but player inventory and hotbar slots not in not where they should be. they are about 2 rows of slots below and out of scope https://ibb.co/sQQfdgY
  14. but i have new problem, my inventory slot not in valid place
  15. oh YEES, i fix this... The problem was my carelessness... HUGE thanks!
  16. so maybe in version 1.18.2 it have other name?
  17. so maybe that my problem but class ScreenManager have only one method, it name clamp()
  18. yes, i fix this before first reply i have new problem [Render thread/WARN] [minecraft/MenuScreens]: Failed to create screen for menu type: fancydecorativeblocks:wood_crate
  19. [23:48:35] [modloading-worker-0/DEBUG] [ne.mi.fm.ja.AutomaticEventSubscriber/LOADING]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for fancydecorativeblocks [23:48:35] [modloading-worker-0/DEBUG] [ne.mi.fm.ja.AutomaticEventSubscriber/LOADING]: Auto-subscribing com.zaksen.fancydecorativeblocks.ClientSetup to FORGE ?
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