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Tree Puncher

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  1. So I'm trying to upgrade my experimenting a bit, and I was wondering if it was possible to control the player's movements with a keypress. Say, I press K, and the player does an attack swing once. Or, I press K and I walk in a circle. In the future I would get the player to do such movements when standing on a certain block or something like that. But for now, I'm just wondering what resource I need reference in my code in order to yield a single player attack click once I've pressed a dedicated key. I've tried searching through my IDE's suggestions, with things like 'player' and 'attack', and I've also taken to google and found this line of code which seemed like it might be helpful 'KeyBinding.onTick(Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.keyBindAttack.getKeyCode());' but that seems to be for an earlier version of forge. I don't know what the newer replacement for KeyBinding is - perhaps KeyMapping? - and I can't find gameSettings in my IDE's suggestions either. How might I be able to find these things out in future?
  2. Ahh!! After hours of trying, I finally got it to work. That's proper satisfying. Thanks for your help. Looking forward to experimenting more with this.
  3. Thanks, I've been playing around with that for a while as you recommended. The problem now is that I don't really understand how to implement listeners. So, on the initial load, it plays my code as I would expect it to. But for anything like checking for keypresses, I get no results. I assume that's because the script runs through once on the initial load and in order to keep it checking for inputs, you would need some sort of loop. How does it keep checking for key inputs without just crashing in an endless loop? And how do I implement a simple listener that would check for those keyinputs?
  4. Hi, I'm new to modding and java. I've done a fair bit of python in the past, but that knowledge isn't really getting me anywhere at the moment. When I've tried to learn a new programming language in the past, I usually start with the most basic thing of "Hello World" and gradually add to the code learning new things along the way, but with modding, I'm struggling to do even that. I was wondering if anyone could provide me with a simple bit of code that I can play around with and learn from? I was hoping for something like 'on keypress H, prints("Hello World") in the minecraft chat.
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