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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Dragonisser

  1. Well, when i get a Achievement ingame and i restart Minecraft i'm getting this error: mod_Cobalt I cant find the error in the code.
  2. The reason is that no one tells me exactly how to fix it, but only talks about my stupid errors I make. Edit: A mysterious Wonder has fixed the Code Thx anyway #closerequest
  3. This is the only Server error
  4. This is the only Server error
  5. I only have this code
  6. I only have this code
  7. Here it is: https://github.com/Dragonisser/cbmod
  8. Here it is: https://github.com/Dragonisser/cbmod
  9. Would you like to see the sourcecode?
  10. Would you like to see the sourcecode?
  11. What about the SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) ? Maybe this is the Problem?
  12. What about the SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) ? Maybe this is the Problem?
  13. But there isn't any renderer in my main class or outside-
  14. But there isn't any renderer in my main class or outside-
  15. Same Crash ._. My class looks like the one that i have posted.
  16. Same Crash ._. My class looks like the one that i have posted.
  17. 1. Server start without crash 2. It crash with the same error 3. I deleted the registerRenderThings(); and done the other Stuff you said
  18. 1. Server start without crash 2. It crash with the same error 3. I deleted the registerRenderThings(); and done the other Stuff you said
  19. Don't work :'(
  20. Don't work :'(
  21. package cobaltmod.main; import java.util.Map; import cobaltmod.entity.EntityCobaltArrow; import cobaltmod.entity.EntityCobaltZombie; import cobaltmod.entity.ModelCobaltZombie; import cobaltmod.renderer.RenderCobaltArrow; import cobaltmod.renderer.RenderCobaltZombie; import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.client.MinecraftForgeClient; public class ClientProxyCobalt extends CommonProxyCobalt { @Override public void registerRenderThings() { } public int addArmor(String armor){ return RenderingRegistry.addNewArmourRendererPrefix(armor); } public void AddRenderer(Map map) { map.put(EntityCobaltArrow.class, new RenderCobaltArrow()); } public void registerClientStuff() { RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityCobaltArrow.class, new RenderCobaltArrow()); RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityCobaltZombie.class, new RenderCobaltZombie(new ModelCobaltZombie(), 0.3F)); } } package cobaltmod.main; import cobaltmod.entity.EntityCobaltArrow; import cobaltmod.entity.EntityCobaltZombie; import cobaltmod.entity.ModelCobaltZombie; import cobaltmod.renderer.RenderCobaltArrow; import cobaltmod.renderer.RenderCobaltZombie; import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry; public class CommonProxyCobalt { public void registerRenderThings() { } public int addArmor(String string){ return 0; } public void registerClientStuff() { } } proxy.registerClientStuff(); Like this? I'm not very good at this ._.
  22. package cobaltmod.main; import java.util.Map; import cobaltmod.entity.EntityCobaltArrow; import cobaltmod.entity.EntityCobaltZombie; import cobaltmod.entity.ModelCobaltZombie; import cobaltmod.renderer.RenderCobaltArrow; import cobaltmod.renderer.RenderCobaltZombie; import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.client.MinecraftForgeClient; public class ClientProxyCobalt extends CommonProxyCobalt { @Override public void registerRenderThings() { } public int addArmor(String armor){ return RenderingRegistry.addNewArmourRendererPrefix(armor); } public void AddRenderer(Map map) { map.put(EntityCobaltArrow.class, new RenderCobaltArrow()); } public void registerClientStuff() { RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityCobaltArrow.class, new RenderCobaltArrow()); RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityCobaltZombie.class, new RenderCobaltZombie(new ModelCobaltZombie(), 0.3F)); } } package cobaltmod.main; import cobaltmod.entity.EntityCobaltArrow; import cobaltmod.entity.EntityCobaltZombie; import cobaltmod.entity.ModelCobaltZombie; import cobaltmod.renderer.RenderCobaltArrow; import cobaltmod.renderer.RenderCobaltZombie; import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry; public class CommonProxyCobalt { public void registerRenderThings() { } public int addArmor(String string){ return 0; } public void registerClientStuff() { } } proxy.registerClientStuff(); Like this? I'm not very good at this ._.
  23. Can you give me an example? I cant figure out how do u mean this ._.
  24. Can you give me an example? I cant figure out how do u mean this ._.
  25. Thx, but what do i have to do now
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