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Tree Puncher

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  1. Update: This doesn't happen in a virtual machine, what the heck could it be??
  2. Try the installClient argument, e.x: java -jar forge.jar --installClient
  3. I think this could happen if you have multiple java versions installed
  4. I have been trying to figure this out for hours, basically whenever I try to build literally any of my mods, I get this error: > Task :downloadAssets FAILED Downloading: https://piston-meta.mojang.com/v1/packages/8c3a62fca114d74e0c150a940104e5f10cafdaa2/8.json FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':downloadAssets'. > Failed to get asset: minecraft/lang/es_cl.json Failed to get asset: minecraft/lang/fr_fr.json Failed to get asset: minecraft/lang/lv_lv.json Failed to get asset: minecraft/lang/mn_mn.json Failed to get asset: minecraft/lang/sk_sk.json Some assets failed to download or validate, try running the task again. It has been so annoying, I can't figure it out. I didn't have this issue on any of them until I cleared their cache by deleting them and re-pulling them from their repo. I have never had this issue before so it's super weird. And also I did try downloading the latest MDK for a bunch of versions and it did nothing This is on Forge 1.20-1.21 and Windows 11
  5. I'm just trying to help using my knowledge. I've gotten crashes when I added OptiFine and mods that change the rendering like Immersive Portals so I'm just saying what sometimes is the problem for me.
  6. and if you are using immersive portals or sodium with it that could be the issue
  7. like this? @SubscribeEvent public void onBlockStartBreak(PlayerEvent.BreakSpeed event){ event.newSpeed = 5; } and will it also allow me to only do it for a specific block?
  8. Looks like its either PizzaCraft or Chocolate Quest Repoured
  9. Looks like this person had the same issue as you and they said they just cleared all the mod configs.
  10. It looks like an issue from a mod called something like Night Config Core
  11. I would like to edit say the hardness of stone using ObfuscationReflectionHelper, what's the best way to go about this?
  12. I have a mod called "Rush Pearls" and I want to update it to 1.19, and I've run into an issue that I'm not sure if its me being an idiot or a genuine bug but in my code there's this line: EnderpearlReplacementEntity.shoot(_ent_sa, _ent_sa, _ent_sa.level.getRandom() , 0, 0, 0); and I get this error: The method shoot(Level, LivingEntity, Random, float, double, int) in the type EnderpearlReplacementEntity is not applicable for the arguments (Level, ServerPlayer, RandomSource, float, int, int) I'm pretty sure they removed Random and replaced it with RandomSource but when I try to force shoot it, it still wants a Random value. I should note all of this worked in 1.18.x I'm still learning Java so sorry if I'm being really stupid
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