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  1. Ok ! I was stuck on the deserialize method of the Serializer of my LootItemCondition and search for help and found this : [1.18.2] Method for iterating over blocks belonging to a tag https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/113816-1182-method-for-iterating-over-blocks-belonging-to-a-tag/#comment-505993 I just completed what I was missing and it runs.
  2. Thank you for giving me the path to follow ! I will try to do so (but don't close the topic yet please in case I can't find out... And also I want to write the answer when it will be done)
  3. Hi! My global loot modifier is running for a leave at once at the moment. But I want to change the loot table of all minecraft leaves, then I used the alternative condition: { "condition": "minecraft:alternative", "terms": [ { "condition": "forge:loot_table_id", "loot_table_id": "minecraft:blocks/dark_oak_leaves" }, { "condition": "forge:loot_table_id", "loot_table_id": "minecraft:blocks/birch_leaves" }, { "condition": "forge:loot_table_id", "loot_table_id": "minecraft:blocks/oak_leaves" } etc... ] } But I want this global modifier to modify loot tables of leaves from other mods where there is leaves placed in "leaves" tag by other modders. (this is my question, is it possible to do this and how to use tag in this case please) Then I tried a lot of different options in the json file but I can't figure it out Then I finally tried this two options: 1- { "condition": "minecraft:block_state_property", "predicate": { "tags" : [ { "tag": "#minecraft:leaves" } ] } } 2- { "condition": "minecraft:block_state_property", "tag": "#minecraft:leaves" } But I got this error message.
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