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Everything posted by Miloszp22

  1. Hello, I am trying to get Spark (micro framework for creating web applications) working on Forge 1.19.2. I tried implementing "com.sparkjava:spark-core:2.9.4" in build.gradle but when I run task "runClient" it just throws "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: spark/Spark" How can I fix it? build.gradle:
  2. Can you please include logs? Becouse we can't really do anything if we don't have any logs.
  3. We can't help you becouse some mods aren't compatible. And if this mod isn't yours that means you can't do anything.
  4. Please post your logs on pastebin.com.
  5. You can close the topic now
  6. Do you have GPU Tweaker III installed?
  7. I think I maybe found the solution after 2 months. There is a program called GPU Tweaker III. If you have it running the testing environment will crash. This is really dumb.
  8. No it didn't, after restarting my pc this problem showed up. WHY IS THAT HAPPENING. I think that is somesort of a problem with test environment? I don't know i will start the scannow becouse it may be a corrupted file. After that I will contact Nvidia.
  9. Somehow these errors vanished when i updated the gpu drivers.
  10. I think this is somesort of a problem with cache
  11. Well nevermind i guess
  12. No it hasn't just minimizing window breaks everything I don't know why
  13. Downgrading driver worked.
  14. Nvidia broke something lmao. For me the forge version isn't working either.
  15. Hello when running runClient task it weirdly errored out! Here's the log: https://pastebin.com/hHydvJK4 My graphics drivers are up to date so I don't know what is the issue.
  16. Hello, forge community. I was wondering if there is a way to reload all the server chunks in Minecraft 1.16.5 via code. And if is then how do I get this to work.
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