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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. try the same link, i swapped logs after sitting in the world for a few minutes then leaving. Lmk if it keeps happening then ill just send a video of the live log on modrinth
  2. i did. no indicator?
  3. ok i fixed that 2, but now i cant die. Normally this wouldnt be a problem but my head keeps twitching to the side as if im falling down and its rlly annoying. I tried clearing my inventory and removing all mods that affect my health but i keep perpetually dying. What the hell do i do (/kill doesnt work) latest & debug: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DDAhvprhMpGN0iOTPTPLs12A7u3dqvjo?usp=sharing
  4. ight so i was able to get rid of the error and create a world, but all of my item (blocks that would look like dropped items, basically entities) and entity textures are black. I don't have optifine, but I do have oculus, rubidium, and embeddium. I tried removing oculus and rubidium but no changes. Lmk if u find anything. Debug: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IajSGdwiAKEd8tsayUXiAI2BT3buFh30?usp=sharing
  5. do yk what kinds of mods i should test removing first? Like world generation mods first right?
  6. I weep and indeed sob. Ty for ur help tho.
  7. So I'm simply cooked?
  8. removed both, nope https://pastebin.com/kgtwq9us
  9. my hunch is that it has smth to do with embeddium soley cuz it crashes when i remove it edit: Either that or some mod that may affect guis
  10. 1st half (didn't work, pre-edit) - https://pastebin.com/zYrMsAqx 2nd half(didn't work, post-edit): w/ embeddium - https://pastebin.com/GExGwtE6 w/ out embeddium - https://pastebin.com/VrrzuEWL (latest, didn't generate a crash report)
  11. ill try to run the pack without these mods (excluding base create and addons besides CSaR) Edit: Gotchu ill try those next
  12. something to note is that the game crashes without embeddium
  13. nah https://pastebin.com/nwDEGNKV u think i should bring up the ram usage to 10gb? at 8 rn
  14. nah nothing, still a mouseclicked event handler error https://pastebin.com/eRUepAEj
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