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Tree Puncher

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  1. Hi Can anyone help me with why this has worked but won't anymore? If you can, thank you so much! e.getToolTip().add(new TranslatableComponent("item.furnaceandfuel.burntime"));
  2. Hi, can anyone help me with this? When it does a little math and the result is 0.5 it only shows the 0. It's converting burn ticks to how many items it can smelt. e.getToolTip().add(new TranslatableComponent("item.morefurnace.burntime") .append(("§7" + (ForgeHooks.getBurnTime(e.getItemStack(), null) / 200))));
  3. Thank you so much! that was so easy when you get help I have used a few hours on that because no one would say anything
  4. Hi. I'm trying to make a custom mod that shows how long all kinds of fuel can burn in a furnace and it works perfectly with custom items, but when I try and use vanilla items like coal it only gives the value -1 Is there any other way to get the burn time on vanilla items?
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