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Everything posted by lucastormreig

  1. Hi, I need to modify the overworld sky and for several reasons i cannot use optifine. Im new in modding so before to run into it i would like to know if is super hard (i know java) and if should be suitable if you can send me some tutorial or hints about where I should start Thanks!
  2. Hi guys, i would like to generate a shattered world, kind of the outlands in world of warcraft. The best thing would be a customizable mod/datapack, so i can decide the "island" size,height, since i dont want standard floating island that are pretty small. I have a very small experience in modding, and no experience in datapacking. How do you think this can be complicated to do ?
  3. Hi Warjort, ok that makes sense! Thank you i will try it and get back to you From your experience if I use the PlayerTickEvent will influence a lot the performance of the game? Cause I am scared i will cause a lot of lag with such control
  4. Hi Everyone, I'm very new in modding. I started following a few tutorials, creating special item and special blocks. I already posted the question but was closed cause of the minecraft version, even tough my question is more methodological. Im sorry if I didnt explain myself properly. 1) I would like to apply an effect, like fire effect to all player. 2) This effect change according to the player position (at open air or in his house) So i was thinking about using the minecraft air block, so modify the minecraft air block in order to put on fire all the players and check if they are surrounded by other blocks (I dont know how this is possible). Do you think this method will be efficient or there is a better way? Thank you
  5. Hi Everyone, I'm very new in modding. I started following a few tutorials, creating special item and special blocks. After two weeks of hard searching i could't find out how to create these two feature : 1) I would like to apply an effect, like fire effect to all player. 2) This effect change according to the player position (at open air or in his house) Do you have any tutorial or guide? Also the other things that I would like to do is to create a custom effect. This custom effect start from nausea and after some time will become to burn the player. Thank you
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