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  1. Thank you! I think, now I understand the problem. 😆 Let's hope, they will update the mod to 1.19.1...
  2. Hello! I tried to modify my chat messages in my server-side only mod, but everytime the server keeps giving me the following error: [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: szviktor sent message with invalid signature: '[default] szviktor: sarasf' The code I tried to use: @SubscribeEvent public static void onChat(ServerChatEvent event) { Player player = event.getPlayer(); UserManager userManager = LuckPermsProvider.get().getUserManager(); User user = userManager.getUser(player.getUUID()); CachedMetaData data = user.getCachedData().getMetaData(); event.setComponent(Component.literal( "[" + data.getPrimaryGroup() + "] " + player.getName().getString() + ": " + event.getMessage())); } And I'm currently using the version 1.19-41.0.25. Sadly, I can't upgrade the version, because LuckPerms has some issues on newer versions such as 41.0.108, and so on, and right now, I don't know what should I really do.
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