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Alexey Malko

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Everything posted by Alexey Malko

  1. Thank you very much guys! That works. Problem was due to the fact that I didn't send coordinates of the TileEntity in the Packets.
  2. No problem. To express your gratitude, use the "Thank you" button in the top of each message. Thats really nice. You can also create your own Creative Tabs, adding the following code to your main mod file: public static CreativeTabs <System name of the Tab> = new CreativeTabs("<System name>") { public ItemStack getIconItemStack() { return new ItemStack(<Block / Item, which texture will be used as Tab icon>, 1, 0); } }; Then add the name of your tab to @Init method of your mod: LanguageRegistry.instance().addStringLocalization("itemGroup.<System name>", "en_US", "<The Final name of your Tab>"); You can use "setCreativeTab(<Name of your main class>.<System name of your Custom Tab>)" to add your items and blocks to this tab. And here you go. The result should look like: Good luck!
  3. Thank you for your answer. I've never used the packets before, and I couldn't find any guides, which can be useful for me. So could you help me? According to this common guide - http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Packet_Handling, I added the following code to my GUI: Debug message works fine, so I can send and handle the packet, but there is a question - how can I save all this information and use it later? All useful guides are extremely welcome. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hello, as I understand you, the problem is that your custom items and blocks are not available in the Creative Inventory? If so, you should add the following string to the class constructor - "setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.<Name of the Default Tab>);" For example, "setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMisc);" You can enter "setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.)" to view the list of all available tabs. The result should look like: I hope this helps you.
  5. Hello everyone. I need your help, I have a problem with TileEntity, it doesn't save any information after logging out. So you can enter string, int (number) or any other information, which can be contained in NBTTagCompound, then click save-button. And all this information will be saved until you relogging. After that all information will be cleared. I think this is due to the fact that my TileEntity doesn't send new values to the server side, so they cannot be saved. My another assumption is that my TileEntity doesn't get updated properly. Anyway I can't solve this problem by myself, hope for your help. Source: Thanks in advance. And sorry for my english. With best regards, Alexey.
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