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Everything posted by FoxBox

  1. Trying to get BlockState or BlockEntity from Level force chunks to be loaded? I didn't know it, thanks.
  2. Is it normal that my BlockEntity keeps ticking even if it is on a chunk that is out of the player's view? (even if I teleport more than 10000 blocks away, the entity will continue to process ticks (at least from the server side. I also get true when calling Level#isLoadedChunk)). I'm not sure if I should look for any problems in the code until I'm convinced that this is incorrect behavior.
  3. Immersive Portals mixin fatal error, submit a crash log to the mod developer.
  4. What is the best way to handle the motion of a custom vehicle extended from Entity? At the moment, the processing on both sides (client and server with Entity$move) works best for me, however, there are small synchronization issues when movement occurs without a player-passenger. I don't think I'm using the correct way.
  5. Thanks, I figured out how to generate maps
  6. Then another question - can I generate a map pointing to a custom structure but with a vanilla icon?
  7. Is there a way to create a custom map marker for a custom structure/biome (same as a vanilla mansion)?
  8. Thanks, now I've figured it out, ConfiguredFeature and PlacedFeature have indeed been moved to the datapack files
  9. I'm trying to add features to a biome via a datapack, but for a long time I can't figure out how to register ConfiguredFeature and PlacedFeature after the last update... DifferedRegister has only FEATURES key, and the old way (as in 1.19.2) to register a PlacedFeature does not work, because the registration methods in PlacementUtils have been significantly changed and I don’t understand if it’s possible to use them at all now. How should I register ConfiguredFeature and PlacedFeature now? T_T
  10. Thanks! Also, is everything okay with my registration code? What confuses me is that I have to specify the mob category for a non-living entity. I didn't find any other way to register, only EntityType.Builder
  11. I'm trying to create an entity that extends Entity class. I can collide with it, but can't hit or interact with RMB. What is the problem? public class ReliquaryEntity extends Entity { public ReliquaryEntity(PlayMessages.SpawnEntity message, Level level) { this(LumecoreMod.Entities.RELIQUARY.get(), level); } public ReliquaryEntity(EntityType<?> type, Level level) { super(type, level); this.blocksBuilding = true; } @Override public @NotNull Packet<?> getAddEntityPacket() { return NetworkHooks.getEntitySpawningPacket(this); } @Override public void defineSynchedData() { } @Override public void readAdditionalSaveData(@NotNull CompoundTag data) { } @Override public void addAdditionalSaveData(@NotNull CompoundTag data) { } @Override public boolean canBeCollidedWith() { return true; } @Override public boolean isPushable() { return true; } @Override public @NotNull InteractionResult interact(Player player, InteractionHand hand) { System.out.println(1); this.kill(); return InteractionResult.SUCCESS; } } public static class Entities { public static final DeferredRegister<EntityType<?>> ENTITY_TYPES = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.ENTITY_TYPES, MODID); public static final RegistryObject<EntityType<ReliquaryEntity>> RELIQUARY = register("reliquary", EntityType.Builder.<ReliquaryEntity>of(ReliquaryEntity::new, MobCategory.MISC).setShouldReceiveVelocityUpdates(true) .setTrackingRange(64).setUpdateInterval(3).fireImmune().sized(0.6f, 1.8f)); private static <T extends Entity> RegistryObject<EntityType<T>> register(String name, EntityType.Builder<T> entityTypeBuilder) { return ENTITY_TYPES.register(name, () -> entityTypeBuilder.build(name)); } }
  12. The only unusual thing I'll do is dynamically update the contents and position of the tooltip, as the displayed information and button position may change while viewing it.
  13. @SubscribeEvent public static void onPlayerInventory(@NotNull ScreenEvent.InitScreenEvent.Post event) { if (event.getScreen() instanceof InventoryScreen inventory && event.getScreen().getMinecraft().player != null) { //ACTIONS Button.OnPress attributes = button -> event.getScreen().getMinecraft().setScreen(new ObscureBookScreen( new ObscureBookMenu(1, event.getScreen().getMinecraft().player.getInventory(), new FriendlyByteBuf(Unpooled.buffer()).writeBlockPos(new BlockPos(0,0,0)) ), event.getScreen().getMinecraft().player.getInventory(), new TextComponent("attributes"))); Button.OnPress factions = button -> event.getScreen().getMinecraft().setScreen(new ObscureBookScreen( new ObscureBookMenu(1, event.getScreen().getMinecraft().player.getInventory(), new FriendlyByteBuf(Unpooled.buffer()).writeBlockPos(new BlockPos(0,0,0)) ), event.getScreen().getMinecraft().player.getInventory(), new TextComponent("factions"))); //TOOLTIPS Button.OnTooltip tooltipStats = new Button.OnTooltip() { public void onTooltip(Button button, PoseStack pose, int mouseX, int mouseY) { List<Component> lines = new ArrayList<>(); for (String line : getStats().split(">")) lines.add(FontHelper.component(line)); pose.pushPose(); assert Minecraft.getInstance().screen != null; final float scale = Math.max(1, (float) Minecraft.getInstance().options.guiScale - (ObscureAPIConfig.Client.reduceTooltips.get() ? 1F : 0)) / (float) Minecraft.getInstance().options.guiScale; pose.scale(scale, scale, 1F); pose.translate(mouseX, mouseY, 500F); inventory.renderTooltip(pose, lines, Optional.empty(), 0, 0); pose.popPose(); } public void narrateTooltip(Consumer<Component> text) { text.accept(new TextComponent("")); } }; Button.OnTooltip tooltipFractions = new Button.OnTooltip() { public void onTooltip(@NotNull Button button, @NotNull PoseStack pose, int mouseX, int mouseY) { List<Component> lines = new ArrayList<>(); for (String line : getFactions().split(">")) lines.add(FontHelper.component(line)); pose.pushPose(); assert Minecraft.getInstance().screen != null; final float scale = Math.max(1, (float) Minecraft.getInstance().options.guiScale - (ObscureAPIConfig.Client.reduceTooltips.get() ? 1F : 0)) / (float) Minecraft.getInstance().options.guiScale; pose.translate(mouseX, mouseY, 0F); pose.scale(scale, scale, 1F); inventory.renderTooltip(pose, lines, Optional.empty(), 0, 0); pose.popPose(); } public void narrateTooltip(Consumer<Component> text) { text.accept(new TextComponent("")); } }; final int width = 20; final int height = 20; event.addListener(new ImageButton(0, 0, width, height,0, 0, 20, BUTTONS_LOCATION, 200, 200, attributes, tooltipStats, new TextComponent("")) { @Override public void renderButton(PoseStack pose, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) { assert Minecraft.getInstance().screen != null; final int posX = Math.max(16, Math.min(Minecraft.getInstance().screen.width - 16, (inventory.getGuiLeft() - width / 2) + 162 + ObscureAPIConfig.Client.buttonsOffsetX.get())); final int posY = Math.max(16, Math.min(Minecraft.getInstance().screen.width - 16, (Minecraft.getInstance().screen.height / 2 - height / 2) - 96 + ObscureAPIConfig.Client.buttonsOffsetY.get())); this.x = posX; this.y = posY; super.renderButton(pose, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks); } }); event.addListener(new ImageButton(0, 0, width, height,20, 0, 20, BUTTONS_LOCATION, 200, 200, factions, tooltipFractions, new TextComponent("")) { @Override public void renderButton(PoseStack pose, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) { assert Minecraft.getInstance().screen != null; final int posX = Math.max(16, Math.min(Minecraft.getInstance().screen.width - 16, (inventory.getGuiLeft() - width / 2) + 140 + ObscureAPIConfig.Client.buttonsOffsetX.get())); final int posY = Math.max(16, Math.min(Minecraft.getInstance().screen.width - 16, (Minecraft.getInstance().screen.height / 2 - height / 2) - 96 + ObscureAPIConfig.Client.buttonsOffsetY.get())); this.x = posX; this.y = posY; super.renderButton(pose, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks); } }); } }
  14. How exactly can I move the tooltip closer? Nothing changes when I move the PoseStack before the tooltip renders until the tooltip goes out of the camera... pose.pushPose(); pose.translate(mouseX, mouseY, 500F); inventory.renderTooltip(pose, lines, Optional.empty(), 0, 0); pose.popPose();
  15. I don't know how to make the tooltip render on top of the item durability... I subscribed to InitScreenEvent.Post and added new buttons.
  16. Vanilla minecraft code is obfuscated (encoded). After obfuscation, variables lose their names. What you see after decoding is just the variable ID.
  17. I tried to do it like this, but with shaders the animations are 2x faster.. private static long LAST_TIME = 0; public static float DELTA_TIME = 0; @SubscribeEvent public static void onRenderTick(TickEvent.RenderTickEvent event) { if (event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.START) { final long time = Util.getNanos(); DELTA_TIME = (time - LAST_TIME) / 16666666F; LAST_TIME = time; } }
  18. Is it possible to add custom calculation of the usual Delta Time, which will work fine both with and without shaders?
  19. How to get DeltaTime variable? I tried to take one from the Minecraft instance and multiply by 3 (because the default is not 60 but 20 fps). This works, except that with shaders the variable becomes several times larger and the animations become too fast.
  20. What class handles the minecraft/font/default.json file?
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