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    Developer of WIP Mod: FoolsCraft

M1kep's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Off topic: gotta love when the mod replies, it's like an official formatted response On topic: thank you for you explanation I'll make sure to look into that link, also what's kotlin?
  2. So what are the advantages and disadvantages of using Scala to write a mod?
  3. Oh, ok makes sense So can you post the code your having problems with?
  4. Ohhhhhhh......I though we were talking about the player? There are tutorials regarding TickHandlers out there. Is there a reason why you did not want to go that route?
  5. What is the need to do that? Will it make a noticeable difference?
  6. uhhhh.... What?
  7. I would do it using events: @ForgeSubscribe public void VersionChecker(EntityJoinWorldEvent ev) { if (ev.entity instanceof EntityPlayer) { if (!VersionCheckerClass.isUpToDate) { //Get player and send chat message } } } But that's just my opinion
  8. Okie dokie, will do
  9. I still can't seem to find tr converter you talk of....
  10. Lol, well that's probably what was giving me trouble
  11. I can't seem to find the video you are talking about, think you could post a link?
  12. Ok, well, if it starts making any sense to you just let me know, please :DD And thank you for all of your help so far
  13. ok, so villages, they are using "components" and what not, so how do i go about getting those to generate? Because in his tutorial he uses world.setBlockWithNotify
  14. Is this the video your talking about?
  15. Ok! Thank you so much If i have any more questions ill post here
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