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Tree Puncher

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  1. I am creating an entity that will stay in the world for a few seconds and pull everything towards it. How should I track this time using any standard method from the entity classes? Should I use System.nanoTime()? Java's own Task classes?
  2. need to run a method on entities every 5 seconds but this is expected for example in an entity the time may be almost giving 5 seconds while in another the time is still at 2 seconds because it restarted
  3. if I'm in a multiplayer world am I in a physical client that is inside a physical server and a physical client has a logical server and a logical client and for each player there is a physical client? or I'm on a physical server with a logical server and logical client and each player has a logical client but the logical server is the same or none of these?
  4. i created a custom item for a mod that has the onbkreakstart method when this is triggered several blocks are broken around my problem is that this happens on the client side and not on the server side how does it work?
  5. a maneira como pensei em fazer isso foi manipulando o evento onLeftClickBlock que, quando ativado, pega o leito rochoso e define seu setHardness como 1, mas ainda não consigo fazer o leito rochoso cair. desculpe meu ingles ruim
  6. i know the basics of java, and poo in java when reading the mods commands i understand they don't think it's complex, but i don't know how to do many things for example i don't know how to create an item from scratch what commands do i have to use which class how to use if I have to create objects etc... I don't know how to enchant items that I create basic things I wanted some help how should I start?
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