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  1. I have spent quite a few more hours digging into this, and I can not figure out how to get the context. Every method I try to solve this problem I end up stuck at the same spot - I do not have the EntityRendererProvider.Context. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  2. Thanks for the response. What you are describing is actually one of the ways I was trying it before. For the most part, I was able to create a new player renderer that extends PlayerRenderer (ExpressivePlayerRenderer), replace the model with my own, and cancel the event. @SubscribeEvent public static void testAnimationEvent(final RenderPlayerEvent.Pre event) { EntityRendererProvider.Context context = What do I put right here?; boolean isSlim = What do I put right here?; ExpressivePlayerRenderer renderer = new ExpressivePlayerRenderer(context, isSlim); renderer.setToExpressiveModel(); // Method to replace PlayerModel with ExpressivePlayerModel Player player = event.getEntity(); float partialTick = event.getPartialTick(); PoseStack poseStack = event.getPoseStack(); MultiBufferSource multiBufferSource = event.getMultiBufferSource(); int packedLight = event.getPackedLight(); event.setCanceled(true); net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderPlayerEvent.Pre(player, renderer, partialTick, poseStack, multiBufferSource, packedLight)); } However, I can not for the life of me figure out how to initialize context and isSlim. I looked at the code where the PlayerRenderer constructor is used and tried to replicate it but I am still at a total loss for this part. I need that EntityRendererProvider.Context and the boolean to pass into super() in the constructor of ExpressivePlayerRenderer. Also - I'm pretty new to using events - wouldn't this just repeat forever since whenever there is a RenderPlayerEvent.Pre it just fires another RenderPlayerEvent.Pre? Does what I have here look good and how would I go about initializing those?
  3. Hello, I am working on a mod in which I would like to add new animations to the player (ex: push a button to rotate the arm up for 1 second). I have spent hours upon hours attempting to get to a point where I am able to control the parts of the character model, but have not had any success. In my current approach, I have created an ExpressivePlayerModel class which extends PlayerModel. I can manipulate the parts of the player (ModelPart) such as "head," "rightArm," etc. from within this class. Basically what I think I want to do is replace PlayerModel with ExpressivePlayerModel. If I were able to simply change the Minecraft source code, I think this would be solved by changing "PlayerModel" to "ExpressivePlayerModel" in the constructor of PlayerRenderer, but obviously I can not do this. Based on a few older posts I found on related topics, I think the correct way to go about this is using the RenderPlayerEvent.Pre event. This is where I've been stuck trying different things out for hours with no luck. I tried way too many things to list out here, most recently of which is using an access transformer to make "model" in LivingEntityRenderer public, then in the event do- event.getRenderer.model = new ExpressivePlayerModel(p_174557_.bakeLayer(p_174558_ ? ModelLayers.PLAYER_SLIM : ModelLayers.PLAYER), p_174558_) -but I can not even get that to work because I can't figure out how I would get p_174557_ and p_174558_. One last note, this mod is just for a school project, so I don't care if I have to do anything that would not be compatible with other mods and/or have issues with client/server stuff. This won't be used anywhere else, I just need the character to animate on my screen. Is anything that I've been doing on the right track? And where should I go from here? Thanks!
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