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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I wish to have a mod made for the most recent version of minecraft java, and I have a few thousand dollars to pay. It is ambitious, but I am willing to cut some features if need be. Work would be done in small pieces, and payment made in small pieces, so no one gets ripped off. I want to add a biome for the overworld, a biome for the end, add some new commands, and add some new mobs and items. If you can only do some of that, that's ok! I want to hear from you. The reason I ask here instead of on one of the many freelance modder sites is because I want to work with people who have a passion for minecraft, specifically. I have some (amateur) concept art, and am hoping to meet people I can collaborate with, who can add their own creativity to my ideas.
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