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Everything posted by 4rmy

  1. Thank you for your help! I was originally using chatGPT3 to try and find a method but it fell into a hole. If there is no way then I will try to find a different goal to achieve.
  2. If you have seen an x-ray mod like the one in Meteor client, I am trying to do the same effect, but I am only doing it to certain blocks. See image:
  3. I have an item that, when right clicked on a vanilla block, should turn the block invisible. I am not trying to add a new block, but rather change the existing block.
  4. The mod isn't exactly what I am looking for. That mod outlines the blocks. I want to turn the block invisible.
  5. I am writing a simple security mod where only the player who placed the block can see it
  6. I am writing a mod that requires that a block be set as invisible on the client side. My code currently has: BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x, y, z); BlockState blockState = Minecraft.instance().level.getBlockState(pos); Block block = blockState.getBlock(); but I cannot find a method to make the block invisible. My event listener is: @SubscribeEvent public void onRenderWorld(RenderLevelStageEvent event) I cannot use Minecraft.instance().level.setBlock(block, Blocks.AIR.defaultProperties, 3); as that did not work. The block has to be visible to other players.
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