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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. If you only want to have a gui, only call EntityPlayer#openGui on the client side (world.isRemote).
  2. You can only return a Container fromIGuiHandler#getServerGuiElement, and you are returning a GuiScreen. A few other things to check: did you register your IGuiHandler? Is your @Mod.Instance set up correctly?
  3. I do believe you can already specify mod enchantments by adding the modid in front of the enchantment.
  4. Does your installer have (1) at the end? Try renaming the installed file so it doesn't have that, or try adding quotation marks around the file path/name.
  5. You could use the PlayerWakeUpEvent to detect when a player wakes up from sleeping.
  6. You could use one of the tick methods inside your Entity class to check if the Block below the Entity is lava or magma, and then apply the potion effect.
  7. There are a lot of tutorials for 1.11 on the internet. A lot of the 1.10 tutorials work fine on 1.11, so you can use those. There is also the official documentation which is very helpful. Just Google a bit, I'm sure you can find something.
  8. I think that if you register a model for an Item, and don't supply it with one, it will look for a blockstate file, which can point to a different model. (Or does this only work for ItemBlocks?)
  9. Use the Forge blockstate system, so you can have 1 model with a lot of different textures specified in the blockstate file instead of the model files.
  10. Remove Optifine from the mods folder...
  11. Some GPUs don't work well with the loading screen, especially the Intel integrated GPUs.
  12. Try running the game without Optifine.
  13. It is the file called fml-client-latest.log inside the logs folder.
  14. You can use IUnlistedPropertys and an IBakedModel to generate models using code.
  15. "only" 379080 is quite a lot of values and would take a while to generate. My 140000~ values took about 15 minutes to generate, probably more. Your values could probably take more than 10 minutes to generate and get every blockstate value for it.
  16. What are the sizes of each enum you use for each property. If multiply all those together you might get a really high number. If that number is in the hundreds of thousands, it is probably hanging on the calculation of the cartesian product of each value.
  17. If you run the server via a command line or a batch file (practically the same), add the -Xmx[ram] to the line starting the server. You could try to look in a config file somewhere (Does that exist?).
  18. Try assigning more RAM to Minecraft (256MB is not enough).
  19. It's an old, bad API which is still used by Minecraft itself, while capabilities are added by Forge to offer much better compatibility between mods. If you still use IInventory/ISidedInventory, most mods wouldn't know how to interact with your inventories, and can't be used in automation.
  20. Only if the jar file has a file annotated by @Mod. Other JAR files won't get loaded as mods and will simply be put in the classpath. There are certain things which can only be done on game startup (i.e. block/item registry), so you won't be able to add those at runtime.
  21. Yes, the user can edit the mcmod.info file. No, they wouldn't, no, they shouldn't and no, they won't get anything out of it. You can use FMLPreInitializationEvent#getModMetadata() to get the ModMetadata instance of the mod, which you can fill in yourself.
  22. Responded to that. Also, you should update your Forge, it's an outdated version for 1.10.2 which is more than six months old.
  23. Well, it looks like the mod can't load some "theme", and it fails to load an exception for it. The exception it's trying to load is an XMLParser error, leading me to believe some XML file is missing or corrupt. Try reinstalling the mod.
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