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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. Show how you register your models.
  2. 1.7.10 is no longer supported by Forge. Feel free to come back when you've updated.
  3. It looks like you are having an infinite loop. The only mod involved is BetterBedrockGen, try removing it to see if it stops the crashing.
  4. This doesn't seem like the complete log. Can you post the full log?
  5. Make sure there's no JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable adding the -Xmx256M to your JVM args. If there is, you can delete it.
  6. 1.7.10 is no longer supported by Forge.
  7. Disable the loading screen as described in the EAQ.
  8. Try disabling the loading screen as described in the EAQ. Although I see you have a GTX 970 which shouldn't have an issue with the loading screen.
  9. Yes, before you try to use the inventory variable.
  10. Save the integers to NBT, use it to initialise the inventory, read the inventory from NBT.
  11. This website contains the official documentation of Forge. There's not much right now, but it contains some basic information on getting started, blocks, blockstates and more. There are a lot of tutorials available online, covering most of the basic modding stuff (blocks, items, tools). The MDK also has an example mod, containing the main mod file for a mod. After the basic stuff, and you a may be going to try more advanced stuff (furnaces, chests), you should've picked up the ability the search the Minecraft and Forge code base to figure out stuff without tutorials. If you're running into issues, make a post on Modder Support.
  12. You can always do this: TileEntity tileEntity = new TileEntityWhatever(); tileEntity.setIntegers(integer1, integer2); Then you can return it from Block#createTileEntity for example. And you can use the same class multiple times.
  13. No, your @Mod.Instance variable you have in your @Mod class... You do have one right? It is a simple variable of your main mod class, with @Mod.Instance it, much like how @SidedProxy works.
  14. You have to use your @Mod.Instance variable instead of passing StrandedMod.class to EntityRegistry#registerModEntity .
  15. TileEntities should have a zero-argument constructor to be able to be reconstructed from the save file. You can use a constructor with as many arguments as you want, but you should also have one with zero arguments. I suggest you only have 1 constructor, which has no arguments at all.
  16. If you are still using more than 16 metadata values, that's probably what's causing the issue. If you want to have 4 facings, and the full 16 colors, you have 64 different states, which metadata can't handle. You should really use a TileEntity for this.
  17. It crashes. There's no crash report supplied to us. No help can be given to you.
  18. Last time I used commands, you'd register them inside the FMLServerStartingEvent , and then use FMLServerStartingEvent#registerServerCommand to register your command. Note: this info might be outdated, as I've not used commands in a very long time (1.5.4).
  19. You shouldn't have any variables inside the Block class which you don't want to be shared. You'd want to use a PropertyBool . You should read this to get a better understanding of block states and how to use them.
  20. You have 2 properties: one for the horizontal directions (4 directions) and one for the colors, which are right now 7 values, because you commented out the rest. 4*7=28 possible states, which is more than the 16 values metadata can handle (0-15). If you need more than 16 different values, you have to use another way of storing data, most likely a TileEntity .
  21. 1.5.2 is no longer supported by Forge.
  22. Forge is only for the Java version of Minecraft, and not for the Windows 10 edition. You'd have to buy the Java version from www.minecraft.net and install Forge for that.
  23. Looking at the code, calling BlockFluidBase#setQuantaValue with the distance should to the job.
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