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  1. Also, with your example, you are working with a null pointer, i.e. rand. You never give rand a value, you might want to change that
  2. There are two variables in every GUI class. They are width and height. As you may or may not assume, these are the width and height of the screen. If you wanted to have the TOP LEFT of the image for the HUD drawn in the very center of the screen, you would draw it at x location width / 2, and y location height / 2. I hope that helps
  3. I am pretty sure that the username is stored in the current session. I believe a new session is created when you log in.
  4. More like "no respect for anyone asking what appears to be an uninformed question" regardless of how informed that person actually is. True.. Even though you can be entirely informed, if you phrase something wrong, the question then takes a completely new path. And that in turn can lead to something that you had not entirely wanted to be informed on. Thus resulting in yourself seeming uninformed. The joys of misdirection in its fullest. ( and no the magician kind )
  5. It's what happens when you tear your hair out trying to do something that should be simple, only to find that Forge didn't unfinalize something* and get dragged back into the help forum. *Lex told me that there's no reason it should be unfinalized, three days later a pull request is made, acted on, and merged with the main trunk. I think Lex just hates me. Lol, maybe. It seems as if he has minor respect for everyone with a descent question, and those that answer correctly and know what they are doing, and then no respect for anyone else ( except for the moderators etc. and the Forge team )
  6. Seems a bit... Sketchy. But anyway. What I would do is make a TickHandler for client ( or is it server in this instance? ) that would take a Boolean from the item that is called, something like: isThisItemLeftClickingOrNot. Then do a check in the handler to see if it is, and then add 1 onto a counter. Then, if the counter is over 20 ticks ( I believe that is one second ) wait, or keep adding, until the variable is false again. Then in the else statement, do another check to see if the counter is greater than 20 ( or however many ticks a second is ). Example: // TickHandler stuff... // in whatever method it is if ( player.getHeldItem ().getItem ().itemId == YourMod.YourItem.itemId ) { if ( YourMod.YourItem.getIsThisItemLeftClickingOrNot ) counter++; else { if ( counter >= 20 ) { // RELEASE THE ENTITY! Maybe... This should be server side Ignore the client side above } } } // More TickHandler stuff.. So yeah.. Something along those lines. You could also make the tickhandler set a Boolean in the item and check it using the left click function to release the entity... I am not sure which is cleaner. I would assume doing it from the TickHandler would be a bit quicker. Hope this helps
  7. Good thing you solved it, as that error is woefully inadequate, as there are something like FIVE different problems that will generate that error. I had the misfortune of having the most uncommon one when I was doing my gui container. Glad to see your back from your hiatus Draco
  8. Well not really. I still haven't found a GUI tutorial that deals with a simple GUI that itsn't a container. Basically all I want to have is a textbox where the player enters a number and a checkbox. These values get written to the TileEntity as "lightValue" and "isLit", respectively. So far the tutorials I've seen extend GuiContainer. I'm pretty sure I all I need is GuiScreen but still looking into it. PS: Not to beat a dead horse but I posted a definition of deprecated so I don't see how you could say it lacked actual definition. So far it seems nobody subscribes to that definition: the method of coding with proxies has been superceded by the method of coding without them. That is a valid application of the word deprecated. Even the 1.5.2 examples in the wiki don't use them anymore. I am sorry if I didn't fully explain myself. I was meaning it in a literal sense. The fact that the Common/Client proxy classes are made by the user means that they CANNOT be actually deprecated...
  9. GotoLink is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! Even if it is a core mod that edits base files, it is still a MOD so it goes in the MODS FOLDER. It should then be able to iterate as you are wanting to do. ( Notice I said SHOULD... )
  10. A slightly better, and less resource/time consuming way to do this would be to implement to of the earlier said ways. You would first do a check to see if the player has the item in their inventory, THEN run the for loop to get what slot it is in, and from there, get the itemstack. If the player doesn't have the item... Just do nothing.
  11. Haha, thanks for the laugh mate! Sounds a bit like my Grandma... "Have you seen my glasses?", * I point to my eye *, * she puts her hand to her face and finds the glasses sitting on her nose * "Thank you dear".
  12. Well, I see nothing wrong with the code... So I am not sure what the problem is. It is probably something to do with your positioning of the slots... Anyway, I hope this is solved fairly quickly. I hate small problems like this that take forever to be solved >.>
  13. That will probably be because you are not in the view that you specified in your render code if you told it to only render the model in third person, it will only render in third person. If you tell it to only render the model in first person, it will only render in first person.
  14. Can I see the Container class as well please? Also, try not to use xSize and ySize, they aren't actual variables for getting the size of the screen. That is the width/height variables. So use those instead. xSize/ySize are used for the TEXTURE size. ( just a hint )
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