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Everything posted by Im_Not_Mine33

  1. Hi all, lately I've started developing mods that are server-side only, so I've already started working with packets, I thought it was a pretty simple thing (having already worked on it when developing plugins) (I know it's completely different at code level, but logical I think it's the same) but I ran into multiple problems, I'm developing a mod in 1.19.2 server side which for now has to send a simple message to individual clients by executing a command, like a sort of "hello world" debugging. I developed the command part and it works, but I really have no idea how to send a chatmessagepacket to the client, could someone help me? Test.java -- Command Class (Working) public class Test { public Test (CommandDispatcher<CommandSourceStack> dispatcher){ dispatcher.register(Commands.literal("test").executes((command) -> { return 0; })); } private int prova(CommandSourceStack source) throws CommandSyntaxException{ ServerPlayer player = source.getPlayer(); BlockPos pos = player.blockPosition(); //here must send a packet to the client return 1; } } PacketHandler.java public class PacketHandler { private static SimpleChannel INSTANCE; private static int packetId = 0; public static void register(){ SimpleChannel net = NetworkRegistry.ChannelBuilder .named(new ResourceLocation(Mceconomy.MODID, "main")) .networkProtocolVersion(() -> "1.0") .clientAcceptedVersions(s -> true) .serverAcceptedVersions(s -> true) .simpleChannel(); INSTANCE = net; net.messageBuilder(MessagePacket.class, id(), NetworkDirection.PLAY_TO_SERVER) .encoder(MessagePacket::toBytes) .decoder(MessagePacket::new) .consumerMainThread(MessagePacket::handle) .add(); } private static int id() { return packetId++; } public static <MSG> void sendToServer(MSG message) { INSTANCE.sendToServer(message); } public static <MSG> void sendToClient(MSG message, ServerPlayer player) { INSTANCE.send(PacketDistributor.PLAYER.with(() -> player), message); } } MessagePacket.java -- (StringTextComponent can't find it and I don't know why) public class MessagePacket { public MessagePacket() { } public MessagePacket(FriendlyByteBuf buf) { } public void toBytes(FriendlyByteBuf buf) { } public boolean handle(Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> supplier) { NetworkEvent.Context context = supplier.get(); context.enqueueWork(() -> { //On the server ServerPlayer player = context.getSender(); ServerLevel world = player.getLevel(); player.sendSystemMessage(new StringTextComponent("Hello World!")); }); return true; } } Any ideas?
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