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Everything posted by AnonymousProductions

  1. Yen, I've noticed that. seems to work fine enough. But. it just seems pointless to put final there anyway
  2. I've got round to setting up the ability to apply my mod world gen to pre-existing worlds. However thought it be good to save some time and check up here for the best way on implementing it. Right now; the use of ChunkEvents is best. and would include applying a world gen script. However; updating the world's NBT(so it doesn't try load the world gen on a chunk twice). Is still unknown. (It's just a simple integer to remember if it has generated on that layer, so it could be generated again at any time)
  3. Right now; icon registry is simple enough. however if you were to make an icon affected by a custom set variable from an ItemStack NBT. there's a few areas that will not be applied. The way to overcome this now is to make an ItemRenderer and attempt to make an identical render as normal. but if the getIconIndex(ItemStack) itself were not final; items would simply be able to use their own traits to determine the variable, and be able to fluently set up their icons
  4. well i can't imagine survival mode/creative mode having a different outcome, and there's only the register and entity tracker that's needed. (and to note, other mods with projectiles also have issues with entity tracking)
  5. it seems that works fine in creative, but the entityTracker messes the angles when fired in survival.. so i think it might be either a bug or something else.
  6. After a while on constant tinkering, it seems modding in custom arrows is rather difficult. When it comes to entityTrackers. they have their issues, bugs and seem to never get the same result as an arrow. The only way to properly get this to work well is extending EntityArrow. but by extending EntityArrow, it seems it's only half the required support for custom arrows. many required fields are private. and only damage and texture are available. this means the item picked up, the gravity, and other various effects can not be done. and adding custom scripts over will ruin the tracker and scripting of the arrow. Adding getGravity(), getDroppedItem(), and even onEntityHit() methods would make arrows more customisable and well fit for easy implementation.
  7. right now, i've done the weapon reach with tick handlers, but it only works on lengthening but hits entities when interacting swings(like doors) anyway, this is off topic and would be better off moved to another section
  8. well a lot of methods do cause problems elsewhere, is there a particular way that would yield a result as well as a hook would
  9. that's with transformers isn't it,
  10. Now, this is likely already been suggested, i've actually know where the hooks can be placed for this. not being a forge developer, it's best to just put it here for devs to read whenever. 1: Custom render passes. Within RenderLiving; there's an area where it calls multiple render passes, right now it's set to 4, adding a getRenderPassCount() integer there would give modders the ability to add their own level of detail without adding their own classes. 2: Custom Armour render By using the first method, there could be a system for armour rendering. Each piece would have a getRenderPasses(), and the getRenderPassCount() will add all these together, on rendering them, it will pass to the Item itself and call the method(by counting it's own render passes from 0), an interface containing a pass count and render script would mean each item would have it's own level of layers, colours, etc. 3: Weapon reach support As this is suggested to weapon modders frequenty; it's not actually supported. and means of extending reach is real buggy and has issues. while decreasing is impossible. within (not sure anymore where it was) there was a script to get the players range (in creative, it's larger if not, about 4), adding a getReach() in item can be passed through this to allow flawless weapon reach support *just chucking this out here, you may have already considered these methods.
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