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Everything posted by Violets

  1. Issue resolved. I did a trial an error and looks like the freecam mod is the problematic one. Idk if it really is the source of the problem but it works now so..
  2. I tried launching with MultiMC and it crashed. I then disable FabricAPI and this are the errors. Seems like fabric is the one problematic on my end. Incompatible mod set! net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FormattedException: Mod resolution encountered an incompatible mod set! A potential solution has been determined: - Install fabric, version 0.55.3 or later. - Install fabric-api, any version. Unmet dependency listing: - Mod 'Freecam' (freecam) 1.1.6 requires any version of fabric, which is missing! - Mod 'Inventory Tabs' (inventorytabs) 0.8.1-1.19.x requires version 0.55.3 or later of fabric, which is missing! - Mod 'ItemSwapper' (itemswapper) 0.3.2-mc1.19.3 requires any version of fabric-api, which is missing!
  3. I am trying to install Fabric 1.19.3 in MC Launcher (not through MultiMc etc.) however I got error and unable to launch it. After I fiddle around, this is what I notice: - Installation of fabric loader was fine, I am able to launch it without any .jar file in mods folder. - I then drag in my mods .jar file (modmenu, inventorytabs, shulkerboxtooltip, etc.), WITHOUT fabric-api.jar, upon launching the game prompts me to "Install fabric, version 0.55.3 or later." - I then add on fabric-api-0.76.0+1.19.3.jar and try to launch. The game crashed whilst initializing game with "Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Mixin transformation of net.minecraft.class_761 failed". Crash report: https://pastebin.com/MhN9VZu2 - Replacing to FabricAPI of 1.19.4 and older 1.19.3 version doesn't help
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