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  1. This works perfectly now after making the method (and its fields) static and adding the "automatic registration" line above the class. I knew I was close to getting this to work but considering I was reading up on the event bus, this is kinda embarrassing that I didn't pick this up honestly. Thank you so much for the help!
  2. I am working within a GeoArmorItem's class (from GeckoLib), attempting to add contextual animations to an armor, and now have found and understand the logic necessary to check the conditions and change animation accordingly. Just one problem: I subscribed all code that relies on the player object to onPlayerRendered, so I can make sure I'm not getting any unexpected errors from trying to use things that don't exist yet. (before doing this, MC would crash when loading the title menu). Now, this in itself isn't a problem, but onPlayerRendered is, as far as my testing has proven, never called, so my conditional sprinting boolean never is true. How do I make onPlayerRendered work here, or am I doing this wrong? full class: https://pastebin.com/jWpQHwmJ
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