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Everything posted by thebluetropics

  1. Where I am supposed to post this kind of posts? And, thank you for pointing out the deprecation message.
  2. The code below is marked deprecated, and marked to be removed soon: private void clientSetup(final FMLClientSetupEvent event) { ItemBlockRenderTypes.setRenderLayer(ModBlocks.BLOCK_SHORT_GRASS.get(), RenderType.cutout()); } The source code said that it is deprecated since 1.19, what's the equivalent method for this in 1.19.3?
  3. Thank you, that helps a lot! I'll check it, however, I'll also wait for others to provide me an example code.
  4. My idea is to have a 3d pirate hat. The hat is just basically an armor (i.e, helmet). How can I achieve this in forge 1.19.x, specifically 1.19.3? Is it something related to the "Armor Model Renderer" or something. I am pretty new to minecraft forge modding.
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