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Everything posted by gitipi

  1. Hi, I'm doing a gravel ore mod. How can I make my ore generate on the surface and not in the mine? upd: I tried to do it in different ways. But I get that my ore is generated as an ordinary ore of the type of coal, iron. And I need it to be generated as normal gravel (underwater, underground, open terrain)
  2. Hi. Can someone explain how the integration of resources (copper, tin, etc.) works. I'm talking specifically about the case for example when you make a mod that adds ores. And this mod will spawn ores only of the type that is installed. That is, if installed copper and tin is not, it will only be copper. How the mod understands this and how to implement it?
  3. it's not a bot or a cheat. it's a feature for my mod on 1.19
  4. Who knows how to make auto-eating food? I have an event and I want during it was eaten food from my slot. I already have an event done and search for food in the slot. But how do I implement eating?
  5. Who knows how I can check if an item is in the inventory? forge 1.19....
  6. I'm making a mod for a creature in minecraft forge 1.19. Animation as well as the creature itself are made using geckolib3. I have a problem that when mob move there is no animation. If I set the walking animation to idle animation then I see that the walking animation is fine attached the code responsible for the animation private AnimationFactory factory = new AnimationFactory(this); private <E extends IAnimatable> PlayState predicate(AnimationEvent<E> event) { if (event.isMoving()) { event.getController().setAnimation(new AnimationBuilder().addAnimation("animation.capybara.walk", true)); } else { // any state that is not event.isMoving() falls here event.getController().setAnimation(new AnimationBuilder().addAnimation("animation.capybara.idle", true)); } return PlayState.CONTINUE; } @Override public void registerControllers(AnimationData data) { data.addAnimationController(new AnimationController(this, "controller", 0, this::predicate)); } @Override public AnimationFactory getFactory() { return factory; }
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