I am trying to create a (client-side) mod which would work almost like using F3 screen, but with custom pictures blit on player HUD (for example showing N/S when player is facing North/South etc.).
Currently I am able to blit any image on screen I want, but I don't know, how to access player data for use in some logic to switch between images.
I need help in what I should add in the blank space bellow so that the mod will blit on screen 1 if I'm facing South-ish (range -45 to 45 degrees) and 0 otherwise.
public class HUDOverlay {
private static final ResourceLocation COMPASS_0 = new ResourceLocation(HUDMod.MODID, "textures/compass/0.png");
private static final ResourceLocation COMPASS_1 = new ResourceLocation(HUDMod.MODID, "textures/compass/1.png");
public static final IGuiOverlay COMPASS_OVERLAY = ((gui, guiGraphics, partialTick, screenWidth, screenHeight) -> {
int facing_direction = ___?___;
if(-45 < facing_direction && facing_direction < 45) {
guiGraphics.blit(COMPASS_1, screenWidth/2, 5, 0,0,3,4,3,4);
} else {
guiGraphics.blit(COMPASS_0, screenWidth/2, 5, 0,0,3,4,3,4);
Essentially I'm asking for help in getting current client data.
Thanks for any help.