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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. But I don't want to get enchanted item. I wan't to get that book with enchant, that can by placed in Anvil as enchant.
  2. Hello. I created my custom enchantment. It appears in "Combat tab" as enchanted book and can enchant weapon. Unfortunately I can't find any way to create crafting table recipe for that book. I declarate enchant like this. lifeSteal = new LifeSteal(config.enchLifeStealID, 1, EnumEnchantmentType.weapon); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(lifeSteal);
  3. Hello. I can't find the way how can I leave player all his experience after death. Any one knows how can I do this?
  4. Hello. How can I get all my server players? Corrently logged in and offline players. This line return an array of the usernames of all the connected players: MinecraftServer.getServer().getAllUsernames(); I need to get all players from my server not only connected at that time.
  5. But how can I call that ItemStack in my constructor or apply my created ItemStack to my item? I tried this in my constructor: ItemStack itemstack = new ItemStack(par1, 1, 500); and when I check this: getItemDamageFromStack(itemstack) I get that it is 500 damaged, but nothing changes on my items.
  6. Hello, I am trying to write my first mod. Everything goes fine, but I have one problem. How can I set item damage on item when it is found or created? Now I have this code: public BrokenItem(int par1) { super(par1); setMaxStackSize(1); setMaxDamage(1000); } I would like to create broken items. For example with 500 durability when they are found.
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