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Everything posted by Irhala

  1. I am looking for a modder ! The aim of this mod is to remove some illogical things in Minecraft. Have you ever tried to imagine a diamond armor/tool in real life ? Impossible to figure how to do one. Is Steve an awesome bodybuilder that never tire and can wear armors like he wears socks ? Have you ever punched a tree ? I know it won't please everyone, because strange physics are also part of Minecraft (and everyone loves punching trees), but I think it would create a new way to discover Minecraft, and I don't force people to download it. I also don't want to change the fantasy part of Minecraft : Creepers, Endermens, etc... doesn't exist in real-life, so they can become whatever they want in Minecraft, but diamonds exist in real-life so I want them to be more like real-life diamonds. Here are some of my ideas : I first tried to make the mod by myself with forge, so adding armors and tools was easy, but the other parts are way too huge for me, so I couldn't manage to do it myself. That's why I am asking to the awesome Minecraft community ! If you're interested in doing this mod, reply here or ask me on Skype. My username is the same. The only things I didn't told you in this post are the mathematical formulas to calculate the effect of weight, armor and energy on the player, but once the mod will be done, we will always have more ideas to enhance it. I also have some of the textures already done. I also want you to know that I don't want to give my ideas freely : If you want to do this mod, I'd rather see how you do it, work with you and give more ideas. I'm not interested in saying : Do this please. I want to work with the modder as a part of a team. I'm not interested in money too, so the modder may receive donations or adf.ly money if he wants to, but I have none to give. There are plenty of things to do. If you want to help me doing this mod, please think about it as a long-term involvement. I don't want to search for a modder again and again, that will have to understand the whole mod code. I'm also interested in knowing who I work with. If you want to do this mod for yourself and take all my ideas for your own, you can do it. But if you do that, know that you're not worth working with, and you should change a bit to become interesting. No one can build anything alone and I bet you know this. Thanks for reading ! I hope for some positive answers ! Give me feedback on what you think about these ideas, even if it's to tell me what's bad ! PS : I give much credit to Pds314159 for all his thoughts (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/181 ... mechanics/) that gave me all the ideas I needed on armor mechanics, even if I don't use his calculation methods, I don't add so much different stuffs and I don't involve armor penetration. PPS : If I only wrote without changing the page layout, that's because only someone interested enough by my introduction and with enough determination to read all of this would be, in my opinion, able to make this mod nicely. PPPS : There's one alternative to the gamemode changing, but that's an enormous job and a modder would call this a complete mod : It's kinda like the Multi-Mine mod, but instead of keeping hitting blocks to destroy them (like in vanilla), you would have a mining speed the same way you have an attack speed, your pickaxe would deal damages to blocks and each time you damage a block, it would drop parts of itself. But that's only if you're crazy and ready to create Minecraft II.
  2. It works ! I didn't tried that, i'm... kinda... ~("°A°)~ There's still 1 problem left : Fast graphics use fancy texture, and it render exactly like with fancy graphics
  3. BlockMyLeaves is already extending BlockLeaves, which extends BlockLeavesBase I tried with renderAsNormalBlock(), isOpaqueCube(), setGraphicsLevel(), shouldSideBeRendered() and isLeaves(), and all in same time, but none of them makes it work properly. Fast graphics also render as fancy.
  4. I only redefined public void dropBlockAsItemWithChance(...) public void dropBlockAsItemWithChance(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5, float par6, int par7) { if (!par1World.isRemote) { int j1 = 20; if ((par5 & 3) == 3) { j1 = 40; } if (par7 > 0) { j1 -= 2 << par7; if (j1 < 10) { j1 = 10; } } if (par1World.rand.nextInt(j1) == 0) { int k1 = this.idDropped(par5, par1World.rand, par7); this.dropBlockAsItem_do(par1World, par2, par3, par4, new ItemStack(k1, 1, this.damageDropped(par5))); } j1 = 20; if ((par5 & 3) == 3) { j1 = 40; } if (par7 > 0) { j1 -= 2 << par7; if (j1 < 10) { j1 = 10; } } if (par1World.rand.nextInt(j1) == 0) { int k1 = Item.stick.itemID; this.dropBlockAsItem_do(par1World, par2, par3, par4, new ItemStack(k1, 1, this.damageDropped(par5))); } j1 = 200; if (par7 > 0) { j1 -= 10 << par7; if (j1 < 40) { j1 = 40; } } if ((par5 & 3) == 0 && par1World.rand.nextInt(j1) == 0) { this.dropBlockAsItem_do(par1World, par2, par3, par4, new ItemStack(Item.appleRed, 1, 0)); } } } } And it works ! Sticks drop of leaves as often as saplings ! Only 2 problems left : Add recipe for spruce, birch and jungle saplings, and change transparency of leaves to make it appear correctly EDIT : The first one was simple, i looked on sandstone recipes to know how to add :1, :2, :3 to the block ID EDIT 2 : Transparency problem screenshot : http://puu.sh/3bIOI
  5. Leaves are now rendered as glass, so it won't make us able to see caves, but connected leaves will only render their front face And it doesn't drop sticks ;S
  6. The transparency and looting sticks
  7. In the BlockMyLeaves class, I use the constructor public BlockMyLeaves(int par1) { super(par1); setHardness(0.2F); setLightOpacity(1); setStepSound(soundGrassFootstep); setUnlocalizedName("leaves"); } and super(...) is BlockLeaves(...) from vanilla protected BlockLeaves(int par1) { super(par1, Material.leaves, false); this.setTickRandomly(true); this.setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabDecorations); } I don't understand why MyLeaves doesn't have the Material.leaves properties, while it is created as a block with leaves material
  8. It's good, because this means we (you) achieved to replace Leaves by MyLeaves (i checked, and even in the creative inventory, with the leaves ID, it's 4 non-named blocks with leaves textures) I need to give MyLeaves the characteristics I want, but it may be easier from now EDIT : I don't know how to do it --' Aren't BlockLeaves methods supposed to be usable with BlockMyLeaves ?
  9. Thanks ! It's working, cuz tree leaves now : - are Instabreakable - don't loot sticks - are non-transparent Leaves still disappear when tree is broken, and have light opacity to 1 Need to fix this, and more and more thanks to you ! \o_ \o/ _o/ || || || / \ / \ / \
  10. I tried, but when I create the constructor (either as public or protected) protected BlockMyLeaves(int par1) { super(par1); } It tells me to add a BlockMyLeaves(int) constructor, and when i click on it, it creates the same one -.-
  11. Eclipse tells me to set BlockLeaves.blockID as static and to add an explicit constructor to BlockMyLeaves, but i don't know what to add
  12. But if you're able to make the BlockMyLeaves extension work, i'd be grateful, because it would teach me so much more I'd be able to use it for other parts of Minecraft, especially the block breaking system (no longer tree-punching !)
  13. @PostInit public void postload(FMLPostInitializationEvent event) { GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.stick, 1), new Object[] {new ItemStack(Block.sapling)}); }
  14. Fail : I don't know how to do it for all saplings --' I created a recipe, but it works with oak saplings only
  15. Maybe, but I didn't achieved to create this class extension I started modding yesterday, so i'm not really ready to deal with that sort of coding You can do it for me if you want ! Just kiddin'
  16. Nevermind. I'll just add a crafting recipe to change saplings into sticks \o/ Still thanks for your help
  17. Won't this cause incompatibility with other mods using vanilla's leaves ?
  18. Wouldn't this be useful if I were using my own Leaves, not vanilla's leaves ?
  19. I'm kinda new to minecraft code, how can I do that ?
  20. It's a vanilla/forge method ? How do I use it ?
  21. Is there a way to add drops to leaves ? I'm trying to make them drop some sticks sometimes. I found a forge method to add drops to tall grass, MinecraftForge.addGrassSeed(...), but I didn't found the same for leaves. I don't want to change base class files ._. Thanks for your help
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