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Everything posted by TekExplorer

  1. Thats not the point. i need to be able to check what exists without running the jar
  2. I'd like to be able to determine the version and id of any mod. Basically, I am creating a service that will read the jar files and determine if an update is available, or even just indicate to a downloader that the mod is already installed. How can I do this? I found that there is a `META-INF/mods.toml` that appears to be in the right direction, except that checking some mods like appleskin has `version="${file.jarVersion}"` which... isnt a version. Looking around, i see that there is a `MANIFEST.MF` which is mostly useless for many of them, but appleskin had an actual version in it `Implementation-Version: 2.5.1+mc1.20.2` Is this something i can rely on? either `mods.toml`, but if it has `"${file.jarVersion}"` then it's in `MANIFEST.MF`? Or is there some pitfall i'm missing?
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