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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Dear Person, Code: https://pastebin.com/raw/hgvgkpgN Long story short: Im trying to create a multiconditional advancement, so you need to tame both the "yes" and "idk" entity to obtain the advancement. BUT, for some reason in game, it shows the advancement as 0/2 when i tame the "idk" entity, and it completes the advancement when i tame the "yes" entity. I've been trying to find out why but i just cant find it, if i name "idk" to "something" it doesnt show the entity cause that "something" doesnt exist, that means that minecraft DOES recognise the entity called "idk". If anyone can help me out and figure out why it doesn't work correctly. Thank you in advance.
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