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Everything posted by nekpek

  1. Seems like even vanilla MC doesn't hide the armor. I think that was what he was referring to from the beginning. @deenkayros You could see what the Player.setInvisble do and do something similar with the items in hes inventory or perhaps hook into the render and "temporary" stop it from rendering the items.
  2. Oh doh yeah hehe. I see what i did wrong there xP I got it to work now =D Thank you all!
  3. when using Field field = ReflectionHelper.findField(NBTTagList.class, tag.getStringTagAt(index)); I get this error java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: {id:"minecraft:chest",Damage:0s,Count:1b,Slot:13b,} The "id:"minecraft:chest",Damage:0s,Count:1b,Slot:13b," is the part that i want to return as a List<NBTBase>. so how would i go to first fix the error and second make it into the desired type? Since i thought it might be caused cause the Tag.getStringtagAt i thought perhaps i could get the entire "field" using Field field = ReflectionHelper.findField(NBTTagList.class) but this gets me "Caused by: net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.ReflectionHelper$UnableToFindFieldException" I dont think i understand the findField, and when i looked up how it was coded it reminded a bit of getPrivateValue so i dont really know how it would be "better."
  4. But what would i use if not ReflectionHelper? Also index is just the TagCount looped in a For event. so i can get every tag perhaps that is the problem but how do i know which tag is the "logger" and why wasn't this(the logger) present in 1.7.10? (as this code is confirmed to compile and work in 1.7.10)
  5. So I pulled hes project from https://github.com/DavidGoldman/NBTEdit To update hes mod for personal use. After several fix's and patches i succeeded to remove the errors in Eclipse however when i want to edit a chest with items it crashes with this error Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger cannot be cast to java.util.List at com.mcf.davidee.nbtedit.NBTHelper.getTagAt(NBTHelper.java:39) ~[NBTHelper.class:?] at com.mcf.davidee.nbtedit.nbt.NBTTree.addChildrenToTree(NBTTree.java:85) ~[NBTTree.class:?] at com.mcf.davidee.nbtedit.nbt.NBTTree.addChildrenToTree(NBTTree.java:78) ~[NBTTree.class:?] at com.mcf.davidee.nbtedit.nbt.NBTTree.construct(NBTTree.java:60) ~[NBTTree.class:?] at com.mcf.davidee.nbtedit.nbt.NBTTree.<init>(NBTTree.java:27) ~[NBTTree.class:?] at com.mcf.davidee.nbtedit.gui.GuiEditNBTTree.<init>(GuiEditNBTTree.java:41) ~[GuiEditNBTTree.class:?] at com.mcf.davidee.nbtedit.forge.ClientProxy.openEditGUI(ClientProxy.java:52) ~[ClientProxy.class:?] at com.mcf.davidee.nbtedit.packets.TileNBTPacket.handleClientSide(TileNBTPacket.java:57) ~[TileNBTPacket.class:?] at com.mcf.davidee.nbtedit.packets.PacketPipeline.decode(PacketPipeline.java:70) ~[PacketPipeline.class:?] at com.mcf.davidee.nbtedit.packets.PacketPipeline.decode(PacketPipeline.java:1) ~[PacketPipeline.class:?] at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageCodec$2.decode(MessageToMessageCodec.java:81) ~[MessageToMessageCodec$2.class:4.0.15.Final] at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageDecoder.channelRead(MessageToMessageDecoder.java:89) ~[MessageToMessageDecoder.class:4.0.15.Final] ... 24 more The Section in question here is public static NBTBase getTagAt(NBTTagList tag, int index) { List<NBTBase> list = ReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(NBTTagList.class, tag, 0); return list.get(index); } } I have also been looking into the other Class' which cast an error but nowhere do it look like its ever been a org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger type. i have been trying to changing different things but all is casting the same error that Logger cant be cast into what i try. The mod does however work if the chest is empty, but then crashes with the same error after i mannually add a TAGCompound. (like i would do it in 1.7)
  6. I went for another round, i thought it through an chose to just damage the player with DamageSource.drown as the source.
  7. yes and i think if statements is good enough.
  8. couldn't you check for damage value and then set the texture according?
  9. Hello There. I run into a small issue which i cannot for the life of me figure out. So here is my problem I am making a "potion effect" which when active should make you loose air. The problem however is, when i decrease the air from the player with player.setAir(par1); but it instantaneous replenish the air supply because the player is not in water. i cannot figure out how to stop this. i looked into how it "stops" it while under water and its code is private or protected in the entity class. so i cannot change the "player.inwater" to true from the eventhandler. if you need any code i can post them. the event does work (as i am using it for other potion effects) but i can still post it if relevant.
  10. Im not sure im following you when you say
  11. omg i cant believe it took me this long to find out the problem at line 79 i had Zombie.setLocationAndAngles(player.posX, player.posY, player.posX, 0, 0); The problem was the third location was PosX and not PosZ
  12. To make it destroy block next to it you have to change the jkl to +1 and -1, like in the if statements you brought. you can try other setblocks. if i understand you right you mean you want it to only works on block with the same metadata? and that you want other blocks to extend this class?
  13. did you not see the if? i made the first if you have.
  14. What version of forge are you using??? when updated to the latest Recommend you dont have all the func names. and this should be enough to set it up public void onBlockDestroyedByPlayer(World world, int j, int k, int l, int par4) { if (world.getBlock(j, k, l) == this) { world.setBlockToAir(j, k, l); } }
  15. Yes i have checked if the difficulty is not Peacefull. Okey so i'm trying to spawn a mob when a custom effect is on the player. (for now lets just focus on spawning the mob at the player) So here is the code which is in question https://gist.github.com/Nekpek/ec724ad8673a9391a80a It is only the Blood Disaster that is not working for me. To my understanding this should spawn a zombie every tick at the player location, but it does not. i am not sure what i could have done wrong. i am changing the pos to int cause i need to place a blocks with that data as well but to my understanding it should work it way back to double just as easy. Also the two other effects work perfect.
  16. Have you remembered to import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod; ?
  17. Since it dating back to 1.2.5 i recommend recoding it from scratch. so much have changed that your gonna more or less recode everything.
  18. Oh, Damn, I forgot that part.. Sorry. Thank you. It is all solved (had it Commented out since it changed from Instance() to INSTANCE)
  19. yeah its stated right below the @instance like so private final GuiHandler guihandler = new GuiHandler(); the whole GuiHandler is here https://gist.github.com/Nekpek/406784ff4b11cd9c4624 It worked in 1.6.2 and since it didn't cast any errors i didn't think it would be wrong, but i might be more wrong,
  20. First i have searched the forums and found several other with a problem that looked like this, but when applying their solutions to mine, it didn't work. Everytime i open my "furnace" the game chrashes, the error states a nullpointer. First i have made sure that my modid and @instance is the same, you can see in my main code below. https://gist.github.com/Nekpek/a55417624d1ad9060570 need any more information i will deliver upon asked. The code in which i state opengui looks like this https://gist.github.com/Nekpek/289d32282fd88575e397 And the error which it is telling me is https://gist.github.com/Nekpek/1e26970c5eb43b1f4226
  21. Really hmm mustn't have done a good enough search ok. I see if i can find any and then let this topic end here
  22. So i recently made a furnace, which is going to take 2 Raw stack of items and place them the respective output. with no fuel. I already have the slot set up and working (location wise) and made it work without fuel aswell But when i tried adding the second input it works like the fuel input (but steal any items even if it is not fuel) and after a couple of trial and error coding i have even ruined the 1 input that worked so now it does not cook anything at all Sum up: I want to know how i can go from 1 input 1 output no fuel to 2 input 2 output no fuel So here is the codes for the 1 input 1 output no fuel (which work as i wanted it to) Container class = https://github.com/Nekpek/Mods/blob/master/Naturalis/Naturalis_Common/nekpek/mod/Naturalis/common/NaturalisContainerPowerFurnace.java Slot Class = https://github.com/Nekpek/Mods/blob/master/Naturalis/Naturalis_Common/nekpek/mod/Naturalis/common/SlotNaturalisFurnace.java Tile Entity = https://github.com/Nekpek/Mods/blob/master/Naturalis/Naturalis_Common/nekpek/mod/Naturalis/block/TileEntityNaturalisFurnace.java (if you need more files you can always search the github as it contains them all) And here is my trial error code Container class = http://pastebin.com/s4t8T1AP Slot class = http://pastebin.com/Kn7PBtyG Tile entity = http://pastebin.com/0ZBnrR0S
  23. I didn't thank you i will look into it.
  24. PreWord So i had an idea for a mod, that required some use of the so hyped Ore Dictionary and i thought that you would have added all Vanilla names, but to my big surprise you haven't I'm sure this is planned to do and with some messing around i found it rather easy to add a new item to the code already. So i went up changed the Ore Dictionary file for my mod to work and alot of modders and users dislike the "changing" of core files. so i just wish that you would add all Vanilla Stuff to the Ore Dictionary. My mod that uses it about making anything annoying to collect easier. like leather, feather fish etc. and some other cool stuff. Idea Adding any Vanilla items to the Ore Dictionary
  25. while the idea have struck it make no sense that cork leather would turn into normal leather. even tho Steve is extremely good in crafting stuff i don't think he is that good. besides it is only temporary till Forge adds the leather (and the rest of the vanilla items) into the ore dictionary. the edit i made to the Ore Dictionary doesn't effect any other mod, unless they too have edited the Ore Dictionary file. which i doubt as everyone refrain from editing base files. also how much fuss does it do?. i've tested it with alot of other mods (bc, IC) and none broke.
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