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Electrobob99 last won the day on January 25

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    Getting used to Modding with Forge

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Creeper Killer

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  1. Okay if this issue is in minecraft 1.18 or newer, then you might have had the same issue I had. Now here is the possible solution. Long story short.. ipv6... Someone posted about before. Add the following to the JVM Argument in the launcher you are using "-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true". Seems that after 1.18 Forge manages to use ipv6 by default if your PC has it enabled, but this argument can force your game's launcher to use IPv4 instead. It squashed the problem instantly for me.
  2. Okay thanks to an oversight, a long over looked one I FINALLY found out the cause. So... Long story short.. ipv6... Someone posted about before. Add the following to the JVM Arguments in the launcher you are using "-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true". Seems that after 1.18 Forge manages to use ipv6 by default if your PC has it enabled, but this argument can force your game's launcher to use IPv4 instead. It squashed the problem instantly for me.
  3. Decided to update this post with a comparison Log, between the working instance with Fabric and the non-Working Instance with Forge. Fabric: https://controlc.com/5d1cdebe Forge: https://controlc.com/0b109358 Only thing I noticed was the presence of the "Connection Timed Out" error in the forge instance log. Makes me wonder if Forge is being slower at sending data to Mojang, could there be a JVM argument that could be added in the launcher/instance to then give it more time to then test this theory?
  4. I knew I wasn't the only one with this issue! Let me guess, you are playing a modpack for Minecraft version 1.18 or newer correct? If so then we both have the same issue, what that issue is however... Is yet to be found for all I know. Last response I got said that my error meant I was used a cracked launcher, which I can disprove since even other launchers have given the same result. *Currently GDlauncher* I only noticed one common trait in the logs... The existence of "Connection Timed Out", appearing only in the Forge instances. Even just having forge installed gives this error. To me it would seem that something in Forge's coding slows the transfer down just enough that it just gives up and refuses the token, or something. To compare here is a log for both instances, same mods for the most part. One for Forge and One for Fabric. Fabric: https://controlc.com/5d1cdebe Forge: https://controlc.com/0b109358 A few players are definitely having this issue, regardless of their launcher however Forge is the one thing they all have in common... I wonder if there is a JVM argument one could add to allow it to allow it to take more time to make the connection to the authentication servers... Since Forge does seem to have more console loading than fabric.
  5. Okay so... Strange update with the issue.... After I switched the port I plugged my ethernet cable in the router to the other one, it managed to allow the session to work again... Despite other instances working prior to that.. Weird, any ideas on why doing that would have fixed things? *Seems to stop working if I ever exit the launcher again, but fixes anytime I switch the router port I plugged into*
  6. That is weird, I've been using the GDLauncher for years it's never had this issue before.
  7. Okay I decided to take your advice. I pinged the authserver. To which I got an immediate response back, which does make sense since only some minecraft versions have this issue for me. 1.12.2 Works, 1.17 works, Older Versions work. Unmodded/fabric for 1.18/1.19 work. But forge for 1.18/1.19 "Invalid Session". This has definitely not been a "just me" sort of issue, there is another person who posted here with the exact same issue. Which I imagine there is a correlation, haven't tried a different computer on the same network like that guy did, but I would imagine it's the same. All I can say is, it seems like while the access token is being properly given to forge, it's not being handed off to mojang, or mojang is just not accepting that access token from them. Like it expires before it can reach them. I wonder if it has something problematic with using openjdk's java instead, it never caused this problem back in october.
  8. Okay then does this log show any potential reason this could be happening, removed reauth just in case. https://controlc.com/b3559e32 This new log is for my mostly vanilla instance, only forge and a couple simple mods. Something I did notice was forge failed to process update information, and that I am not the only one who has experienced this broken session bug in 1.18 and newer instances with forge. Seemingly around the same time in november of 2022. Makes me think some windows update might have changed around some thing making code used to connect fail. Or something.
  9. Basically as the subject line states, I have a bit of an issue when it comes to any minecraft instance in 1.18 or newer version which use forge as the mod loader. Where it would seem the session is almost always invalid, skin not showing up, unable to join servers, etc. Only happening when forge is installed, fabric and vanilla are unaffected which is weird. Here is the current log to see if a solution can be found for these versions. Which I hope so, since it's kind of unnerving to play as Alex or Steve on Java. https://controlc.com/e7f82cc1 I appreciate any help to get this resolved, thank you.
  10. Well, I am happy.. Found out there was away to make it seem to be less random without tile entity... just used the world.scheduleBlockUpdate() method. Seems to work exactly how I wanted it. Set it to a 100 tick rate and it took 5 seconds to make the changes.
  11. Ok, but what if I wanted to make a sapling, or plant grow faster by default? Would I have to make a Tile Entity? Or would it be possible to do it as just a block. Would I use random.nextInt() with a greater range, equaling a larger set of numbers to increase chance of growth?
  12. Ok, so what's an answer to my other question? On how to increase rate of metadata change?
  13. Tick Handler? As a side note? How could I increase the chance of meta change?
  14. Dang, because I was hoping I could make 100 blocks with this similar property. Welp, if needed I could either make less blocks, or just let it be random.
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