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Gabriel Ricci

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Yeah, but let me try again
  2. Here's the crash report so it's easier for you guys: https://pastebin.com/ms6ic14V
  3. @Paint_Ninja The error is occuring again. Here's the crash report: https://pastebin.com/ms6ic14V
  4. https://pastebin.com/mg3Ec9MG Here is the link to the Crash Report, I hope it helps!
  5. The game crashed whilst initializing game Error: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.MixinTransformerError: An unexpected critical error was encountered. This is the crashing massage that i keep getting while I try to open minecraft with forge (CurseForge). Until today's afternoon everything was working just fine, but since i've added some mods to the modpack it's not working... I don't know if I need to send the crash report too (i tried but I couldn't copy the paste.ee link and I was afraid of sending any type of critical information about my ip or my pc), if so can someone please help me find a safe and a working way to send it here? Thank you for your attention, and sorry for the inconvinience.
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