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  1. I would also love to see it done that way. I managed to make it happen in smp through invocation but that is less than desirable.
  2. Not sure if this is what your looking for, because it also causes the player to keep inventory on death, but it does let you keep experience. The World class has a method to set "gamerules": world.getGameRules().setOrCreateGameRule("keepInventory", "true") It took me a while to figure this one out, I played with alot of stuff to make just the experience stay. You may want to look into the playerAPI, forge doesn't seem to hook into the player classes in the right places.
  3. Since this is the only place I can find info about developing with NEI, I thought I would reply to this thread, even though its a bit old. I had the same problem as the last guy to post. These are the steps I took to get it all working: Copied from keepcalm's post and edited. 1. copy all the <something>_at.cfgs from the NEI and CCC zips/whatever, put them in <forge>/accesstransformers 2 if any of them contain a file "<name>_dummmy.jar" copy this to the "<mcp>/jars/"+(mods or coremods) folder depending on where the mod is installed *3. copy the <something>_at.cfgs again, put them in the root of their respective <name>_dummy.jar files in <mcp>/jars/ 4. run forge/install.sh 5. copy the NEI and CCC code from the src zips into <forge>/mcp/src/minecraft (for me the nei source must replace GuiContainer in minecraft source). 6. Do whatever you normally do. I don't know if the at.cfgs were in the dummy jars at some point, or maybe this was obvious to most. Either way I hope this can help somebody.
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