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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I need help figuring out how to change the eating animation of an item to drinking (aka give it the sound of drinking). If anyone could help me that would be great. code: public static final RegistryObject<Item> MILK_BOTTLE = Items.register("milk_bottle", () -> new Item(new Item.Properties() .food(new FoodProperties.Builder() .nutrition(1) .alwaysEat() .build() )));
  2. So im making a mod for minecraft and i want to add custom fishing rods... aka fishing rods with different bait, depending on the bait you can have a higher chance of getting other fish. I want to make basically custom fishing rods with at least one custom loot table for each (so that i can choose which fish have a higher chance of being caught in a simpler way with said loot table) Problem is i dont know even where to start with doing this, like at all. Im very beginner with modding minecraft, any help (links to any source which could help me with this is also very helpful) would be great. 1.20 forge(of course)
  3. So because i just simply dont know, where do i put this? In what file? If you have an example file you can send me that would be great.
  4. So i wanna make several items that use at most 5 textures, all of them are white but i wanna make it so that a specific layer has a custom tint. Im trying to make a milkshake that has different flavors, each flavor having a different colored liquid without making 50 textures that are just recolors, to lower clutter. I couldn't find anything on the internet, but i might have missed something, so sorry if i did. Btw im using 1.20
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