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Everything posted by mar21

  1. Ok, there you have the Thank you Theoretically yes, but I am now recreating some functions and classes to improve the api and make it better and more usable.
  2. Yes, thanks. It is working now!
  3. Can I use this in both situations ? The .bindTexture and .bindTextureByName ?
  4. Hello, I updated my mod and I am getting tons of errors... I tried to solve them with some tutorials about updating... So there are. I am getting error with .bindTexture and .bindTextureByName. I know they renamed/removed this functions, but I need something to load textures of my custom GUIs and custom Renderers. Thanks for ANY help ! mar21
  5. So bindTextureByName("/textures/blocks/FryerTexture.png"); In this code you need to place your model texture into the minecraft.jar/textures/block So, you need this, If you want to have your texture in diff location: bindTextureByName("mods/YOURMODID/textures/blocks/FryerTexture.png"); And your modid is Mod´s modid, defined in main class of mod. This will allow you to place the texture into the minecraft.jar/mods/YOURMODID/textures/block Try, and write back! Good luck with your mod
  6. Try this: this.bindTexture("/textures/blocks/FryerTexture.png");
  7. Shift!
  8. Yes, I will try this, thanks... I rewrited some functions, and I hope it will work as I need //EDIT E, what tileEntity did you mean ? the power interface or machine ? ///EDIT More explanation: If I set the Energy to 100 in the TE_PowerInterface it works, but I cant do any operations with it: It means: transfering and receiving energy... If I try to set the block energy when is placed ( .setEnergy(100) ) it dont work ...
  9. Yes, thanks ... I created the sending/receiving function, but on the paper momentally Thanks for the help. I write If this will working... //EDIT So, it doesnt work, now it doesnt do nothing. .. Any things on memory ?
  10. I dont, know, I am using this code for my custom model of my custom furnace, so I using the basic furnace metadata with side, where you placed, based on player looking. It work for me pretty well. You need the rotating thing in the YourBlock class...
  11. Try replace this: public boolean canThisPlantGrowOnThisBlockID(int par1) { return par1 == MoreDimensions.slimeGrass.blockID || par1 == MoreDimensions.slimeDirt.blockID; } With this: @Override public boolean canThisPlantGrowOnThisBlockID(int par1) { return par1 == MoreDimensions.slimeGrass.blockID; } And try place the flower on the slimeGrass if it dont work try: @Override protected boolean canThisPlantGrowOnThisBlockID(int par1) { return par1 == MoreDimensions.slimeGrass.blockID; }
  12. So, hello ... I created a Machine (Furnace based) and It require the Power Interface block at bottom. It will only work if there is (more) 100 points of energy. I created a onBlockAdded in the InterfaceBlock but it not set the values of energyconsume and current energy. Classes are there too : Interface Class Tile Entity of Interface: Things in the Machine class: (dont needed all thing in, it is lots(a lots of lots) lines ) TileEntity of Machine (I removed things that are unused in this problem)
  13. Heh, this is the right question Try in the FlowerClass: public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World par1World) { return new TE_CustomFlower(); } And create the TE_CustomFlower class. Like this: package yourpackage; //make there all required imports (Shift+Ctrl+O) public class TE_CustomFlower extends TileEntity{ //YOUR STUFF } I hope
  14. I think you can create for plant the tile entity, and the renderer is from default game I think for roses/dandelions/etc
  15. E, yes! TileEntityRenderer.instance.renderTileEntityAt(new TileEntityTrafficLight(), 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0F); this is doing me error too!
  16. Please, forget what I set! Is not problem there? public boolean canThisPlantGrowOnThisBlockID(int par1) { return par1 == MoreDimensions.slimeGrass.blockID || par1 == MoreDimensions.slimeDirt.blockID; } The || (OR) operator ?
  17. I think the description of potions is added in snapshot 1.6 MC version...
  18. If you rewrite your flower like a custom rendered block, you can use ... I think ... This function you can use: public void onBlockPlacedBy(World par1World, int x, int y, int z, EntityLiving par5EntityLiving, ItemStack par6ItemStack) And in, you can check for the block with the x, y-1, z coordinates... world.getBlockId(x, y-1, z) == your_block.blockID Like: if(world.getBlockId(x, y-1, z) == Mod.CustomDirt.blockID){//DO NOTHING} else if(world.getBlockId(x, y-1, z) == Mod.CustomGrass.blockID){//DO NOTHING} else{//DESTROY BLOCK AND INSERT HIM BACK INTO PLAYERS INVENTORY}
  19. In your file, you posted, the TileEntityTrafficLightRenderer.java I think you need this imports: import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.OpenGlHelper; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntitySpecialRenderer; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.world.World; Try this: And try the CTRL + SHIFT + O
  20. So, the small problem with invetory rendering is not solved, butt, I have there another problem. I trying to make the machine working with my "WIP" electric site. The way, it is made is: You need to place the machine on top of the power interface (if not, you cant open the gui of machine, or do anything), this is not the problem. I rewrited one method, and inserted in to, when there is that special block, set the currentItemBurnTime to 200 and remove 200 energy from that block ...Classes: MachinePoweredMelter TE_PoweredMelter MachinePowerInterface TE_PowerInterface When I solve this problem, I wish I do the upgrade gui Thanks for you time!
  21. OK, I created the ClientProxy and CommonProxy, but still it doesnt work ... So, the classes again : Client proxy: Common Proxy:
  22. Ouch ,it works now, no error, but it still showing the 16p image of block. How to create client proxy? I tried before, but that didnt worked ...
  23. Really ? This code is making game crash... Errorlog: TileEntityPoweredMelterInvRender: My registering line in base mod class: I dont know why, eclipse doesnt show any errors..
  24. Hey Man! Heh, thanks for the item renderer, but : I DONT HAVE PROXIES ! So, this is only joke, I know how to do this without any proxies Thanks, one more time ! //EDIT So, there is one/two more questions: 1) In the randomDisplayTick() I have the particle generator like in normal furnace, it is possible to generate the particles in the block? because I want to have in this setup smoke and flame particles when machine is on: XXXXX XXYXX XXXXX XXXXX FFFFFF The Y character is point where I want to particles come from and the F character is the front side of the block. 2)Is possible to set the texturemap for the custom render, to render 2 different texturemaps? One map if the block is active and Second if the block is inactive Thank for the IItemRenderer !
  25. E Ok, is there any way to show the model in the inventory? not the classic 16p image for the block? Explanation: It is showing the 16p image of block, not the custom rendered model ...
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