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Everything posted by mar21
Ok, there you have the Thank you Theoretically yes, but I am now recreating some functions and classes to improve the api and make it better and more usable.
Yes, thanks. It is working now!
Can I use this in both situations ? The .bindTexture and .bindTextureByName ?
Hello, I updated my mod and I am getting tons of errors... I tried to solve them with some tutorials about updating... So there are. I am getting error with .bindTexture and .bindTextureByName. I know they renamed/removed this functions, but I need something to load textures of my custom GUIs and custom Renderers. Thanks for ANY help ! mar21
[Unsolved]Custom modeled block doesn't show up in inventory
mar21 replied to TwinAndy's topic in Modder Support
So bindTextureByName("/textures/blocks/FryerTexture.png"); In this code you need to place your model texture into the minecraft.jar/textures/block So, you need this, If you want to have your texture in diff location: bindTextureByName("mods/YOURMODID/textures/blocks/FryerTexture.png"); And your modid is Mod´s modid, defined in main class of mod. This will allow you to place the texture into the minecraft.jar/mods/YOURMODID/textures/block Try, and write back! Good luck with your mod -
[Unsolved]Custom modeled block doesn't show up in inventory
mar21 replied to TwinAndy's topic in Modder Support
Try this: this.bindTexture("/textures/blocks/FryerTexture.png"); -
Yes, I will try this, thanks... I rewrited some functions, and I hope it will work as I need //EDIT E, what tileEntity did you mean ? the power interface or machine ? ///EDIT More explanation: If I set the Energy to 100 in the TE_PowerInterface it works, but I cant do any operations with it: It means: transfering and receiving energy... If I try to set the block energy when is placed ( .setEnergy(100) ) it dont work ...
Yes, thanks ... I created the sending/receiving function, but on the paper momentally Thanks for the help. I write If this will working... //EDIT So, it doesnt work, now it doesnt do nothing. .. Any things on memory ?
I dont, know, I am using this code for my custom model of my custom furnace, so I using the basic furnace metadata with side, where you placed, based on player looking. It work for me pretty well. You need the rotating thing in the YourBlock class...
[SOLVED]Custom flowers - How to only be placed on custom blocks?
mar21 replied to bl4ckscor3's topic in Modder Support
Try replace this: public boolean canThisPlantGrowOnThisBlockID(int par1) { return par1 == MoreDimensions.slimeGrass.blockID || par1 == MoreDimensions.slimeDirt.blockID; } With this: @Override public boolean canThisPlantGrowOnThisBlockID(int par1) { return par1 == MoreDimensions.slimeGrass.blockID; } And try place the flower on the slimeGrass if it dont work try: @Override protected boolean canThisPlantGrowOnThisBlockID(int par1) { return par1 == MoreDimensions.slimeGrass.blockID; } -
So, hello ... I created a Machine (Furnace based) and It require the Power Interface block at bottom. It will only work if there is (more) 100 points of energy. I created a onBlockAdded in the InterfaceBlock but it not set the values of energyconsume and current energy. Classes are there too : Interface Class Tile Entity of Interface: Things in the Machine class: (dont needed all thing in, it is lots(a lots of lots) lines ) TileEntity of Machine (I removed things that are unused in this problem)
[SOLVED]Custom flowers - How to only be placed on custom blocks?
mar21 replied to bl4ckscor3's topic in Modder Support
Heh, this is the right question Try in the FlowerClass: public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World par1World) { return new TE_CustomFlower(); } And create the TE_CustomFlower class. Like this: package yourpackage; //make there all required imports (Shift+Ctrl+O) public class TE_CustomFlower extends TileEntity{ //YOUR STUFF } I hope -
[SOLVED]Custom flowers - How to only be placed on custom blocks?
mar21 replied to bl4ckscor3's topic in Modder Support
I think you can create for plant the tile entity, and the renderer is from default game I think for roses/dandelions/etc -
E, yes! TileEntityRenderer.instance.renderTileEntityAt(new TileEntityTrafficLight(), 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0F); this is doing me error too!
[SOLVED]Custom flowers - How to only be placed on custom blocks?
mar21 replied to bl4ckscor3's topic in Modder Support
Please, forget what I set! Is not problem there? public boolean canThisPlantGrowOnThisBlockID(int par1) { return par1 == MoreDimensions.slimeGrass.blockID || par1 == MoreDimensions.slimeDirt.blockID; } The || (OR) operator ? -
I think the description of potions is added in snapshot 1.6 MC version...
[SOLVED]Custom flowers - How to only be placed on custom blocks?
mar21 replied to bl4ckscor3's topic in Modder Support
If you rewrite your flower like a custom rendered block, you can use ... I think ... This function you can use: public void onBlockPlacedBy(World par1World, int x, int y, int z, EntityLiving par5EntityLiving, ItemStack par6ItemStack) And in, you can check for the block with the x, y-1, z coordinates... world.getBlockId(x, y-1, z) == your_block.blockID Like: if(world.getBlockId(x, y-1, z) == Mod.CustomDirt.blockID){//DO NOTHING} else if(world.getBlockId(x, y-1, z) == Mod.CustomGrass.blockID){//DO NOTHING} else{//DESTROY BLOCK AND INSERT HIM BACK INTO PLAYERS INVENTORY} -
In your file, you posted, the TileEntityTrafficLightRenderer.java I think you need this imports: import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.OpenGlHelper; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntitySpecialRenderer; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.world.World; Try this: And try the CTRL + SHIFT + O
So, the small problem with invetory rendering is not solved, butt, I have there another problem. I trying to make the machine working with my "WIP" electric site. The way, it is made is: You need to place the machine on top of the power interface (if not, you cant open the gui of machine, or do anything), this is not the problem. I rewrited one method, and inserted in to, when there is that special block, set the currentItemBurnTime to 200 and remove 200 energy from that block ...Classes: MachinePoweredMelter TE_PoweredMelter MachinePowerInterface TE_PowerInterface When I solve this problem, I wish I do the upgrade gui Thanks for you time!
OK, I created the ClientProxy and CommonProxy, but still it doesnt work ... So, the classes again : Client proxy: Common Proxy:
Ouch ,it works now, no error, but it still showing the 16p image of block. How to create client proxy? I tried before, but that didnt worked ...
Really ? This code is making game crash... Errorlog: TileEntityPoweredMelterInvRender: My registering line in base mod class: I dont know why, eclipse doesnt show any errors..
Hey Man! Heh, thanks for the item renderer, but : I DONT HAVE PROXIES ! So, this is only joke, I know how to do this without any proxies Thanks, one more time ! //EDIT So, there is one/two more questions: 1) In the randomDisplayTick() I have the particle generator like in normal furnace, it is possible to generate the particles in the block? because I want to have in this setup smoke and flame particles when machine is on: XXXXX XXYXX XXXXX XXXXX FFFFFF The Y character is point where I want to particles come from and the F character is the front side of the block. 2)Is possible to set the texturemap for the custom render, to render 2 different texturemaps? One map if the block is active and Second if the block is inactive Thank for the IItemRenderer !
E Ok, is there any way to show the model in the inventory? not the classic 16p image for the block? Explanation: It is showing the 16p image of block, not the custom rendered model ...