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Everything posted by mar21

  1. OK, I know how set up this. Simply add to main mod file (the core) this: public static Boolean[] par0Boolean = new Boolean[2]; and this you need to write into the config load: par0Boolean[1] = config.get("GROUP","NAME", defaultBolean).getBoolean(true); And for the setting the visibility of block/item you can use my API for this: in the main file you need to add regTab(item(or block unlocalizedName),your creative tab,par0Boolean[1]); example: regTab(mixed_dust,tabOmega,par0Boolean[1]); It works for me fine. //EDIT if you want the api I can send the file to you
  2. Ou, yes ! You did it Thanks. Simple character and this
  3. Hello, I created a machine > Works fine, the side textures (sides, top, front)are working fine, but the Gui cant be loaded. It says this: And my code for Gui is: I have the texture for Gui placed as I writed to the .bindTexture(). I was followed some topics there, but any worked. If I have the gui texture as it have a normal furnace it works. Thanks for any response !
  4. FlameArtronach93: I finded a lots of tutorials, but all didn´t worked on MC 1.5.2. So no facepalm please, If you aren´t going to help, please do not post a post there. Jaknoshima: Thanks for link
  5. Hello, I am searching tutorials for minecraft forge. About Gui and Custom Furnaces(Machines). For minecraft 1.5.2 or others compatible with 1.5.2. Thanks.
  6. OK, Thanks... Sorry for no spoilers. I don't found the icon I am going to try repair the code and I write there if something goes wrong. /added Thanks, very much. It worked perfectly. Closing this issue...
  7. No problem. Recompiling log: Some of warning and the error I think is because I dont have completed one class... I´m trying to fix it. Reobfuscating log: And finaly the error log from minecraft when I start the mod:
  8. Hello, I'm creating a new technical mod, like IC2/TE. I have some coding completed (Items, Blocks, some Machines). In Eclipse SDK the mod works fine, no problems there. But when I try recompile and re-obfuscate the source with MCP and I look to the reobf folder in mcp, there is folder minecraft with my mod files compiled, but only half of the mod is there ... There are not tools, machines, and some TileEntities compiled. Only main files(Core,RecipeSheet) and two folders with Block and Item classes. When I try to start this mod(comprimed .zip) it crash everytimes. First was an error with my custom CreativeTab and next error is saying something about rock (Material.rock I think). Thanks for every response. Sry for bad English. Mar21
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