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Everything posted by NemockZans

  1. If there was anyone in the MC comunity i would support on patreon it would be you
  2. Hi there, I am not entirely sure this is a bug but if it is i'd like to report it and if it is not i'd like to know how to fix it. that said this is my problem: when i make a keybinding it works perfectly and when i change them ingame they still work fine but they don't get saved so they are back to default when i close the game and start it again. i think i found the problem with a lot of help of diesieben07, he said: "I know the problem know. In Minecraft.startGame it initalizes the SoundSystem before FML begins mod loading. And the sound system saves the options, so the option file containing your changed key binds gets overwritten without the new keybinds being known by the game yet." we did some testing before coming to that conclusion and as far as i can se it sounds solid hope you guys can fix it soon. you do amazing work, thx for forge! thx for your atention.
  3. Configurations was of no help. Does anyone have an other idea?
  4. the idea is that there will be no textures providet by me. it is intendet for the player to do that. that's why i want it outside the mod file, to keep the mod seperated from the stuff the user adds. the final thing is intendet to be a do it your selve villager kit
  5. but i dont want to read inside the mod folder. i want the textures more easy accessable for the user
  6. why is it allways this question? I want to do that because i am working on a mod where you can add new kinds of viallagers by '*.cfg' and so i want to have a folder in the config folder where the user can add his texture for the villager he adds with the mod.
  7. Is it possible to register a texture file for a new villager outside of the mods 'modname.zip/jar' file? so far i am using : VillagerRegistry.instance().registerVillagerType( id, tPath); but the path option "../texturename.png" does not work. Is it somehow posible to get the textur from outside the mod package? Thx for reading, greats, Nemock Zans.
  8. oh maaaan i can't belive i didn't see that >_< thx
  9. did some testing with the recommendet and the latest version both gave the same error: http://gw.minecraftforge.net/4ruI
  10. Hello i am working on a mod that adds villagers and new trades and so far most of it is working, but when i try to trade with a villager for the first time the game crashes and gives me this: http://gw.minecraftforge.net/IqsW here is my code: http://gw.minecraftforge.net/anTK http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/debec01a i don't have any more ideas what to do and would realy apreciate the help
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