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Everything posted by big_AL97

  1. Okay. Thank you so much! I will definitely check into that! I've got only enough knowledge of Java to be dangerous I will definitely thank you!
  2. I'm pretty sure this would crash,since you are referencing to a non instanciated object... Obviously. I was merely declaring the object so that the OP knew what type it was. The proper way would be: [code] EntityPlayer player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer; NBTTagCompound nbt = player.getEntityData(); Also,@OP: I think you misunderstood the use of NBT Data.This simply returns a list of informations stored in nbt.You have to use nbt.setInteger/setByte/etc... to save them. That won't work for SMP. So, then what would work for SMP? Or do I need to just look at how NBT Data actually works? How do I make sure that the data is specific for each player? Do I need to declare it within a specific class or what?
  3. Okay, do I need to modify the base class or make a class that extends EntityPlayer, or do I just need to implement the getEntityData() method? Does this method also save data?
  4. I need to add a skill for my mod, but I have no clue how to go about making it. I don't quite understand how Minecraft handles data, but I need the stat to be saved for each individual player (for multiplayer capability). How do I make this skill so that it is properly saved and loaded per EntityPlayer player? Thank you to anyone who can help.
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