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Everything posted by Supernova7684

  1. Redownloaded 2 mods that originally couldnt be read and still loaded into my world without any problem
  2. No. The minecraft launcher automatically updated and I figured that was the cause of the issue
  3. Alright sooo...I got my world to work. Turns out there were a handful of mods that couldnt be read properly. Is there a way I can get them to work? Does redownloading them solve anything?
  4. I never had that mod installed. Did you mean to mention another one by any chance?
  5. Hello?? Am I not gonna receive any assistance from anybody??? I still need help here!!
  6. I don't know how or why this happened, but all of a sudden im unable to join my world because of this "Connection lost. Invalid user data" error. Everything was just fine last night until now. If anyone is familiar with this problem, please help. I just lost my first world from earlier this month due to random world corruption. I've made a lot of progress on my current world and I dont want to lose it because of something like that. Any help will be highly appreciated Here is the latest log: https://pastebin.com/WfunNZ09
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