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Everything posted by Xasriel

  1. Here is what I have http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/335e5c0d
  2. Ok so I figured it out kind of.. if I set a Minecraft variable to precede objectMouseOver it crashes, and if I don't it doesn't recognize anything and passes over the conditionals..
  3. Still lost, tried directions, EnumFacing, Facings, etc. NEED HELP!!!
  4. So I have been having trouble with finding how to make a tool determine which side its breaking. e.g. north/south, east/west, up/down Any help would be greatly appreciated
  5. Anyway I got that to work for the most part. For it to work perfectly I need to determine which direction the player is facing.. e.g. north, south, or east, west
  6. lol that may be true but minecraft is coded in java not python
  7. thank you for clearing that up. Yeah i have never seen python.
  8. any help on what this code does?
  9. um well I just needed to know what methods I need to take to accomplish this, the only code I have is an altered pickaxe code
  10. I am working on a hammer tool that works on stone and is suppose to break a 3x3 area but I am having issues with this anyone know where to start?
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