Hello everyone, today I would like to touch upon the topic of:
How to properly install the Forge 1.8.9 project on a Mac M1 Pro (or Mac Silicon) using IntelliJ IDE.
(I would like to note that on Windows 11 everything works fine for me, and I was able to launch IDE without errors!)
Yes, you can follow the instructions from the readme file in the forge1.8.9 mdk, but at some point I encounter an error that the Gradle wrapper is not the appropriate version (2.7), and IDE requests permission to download version 4.5 or 8 (for it, this is the appropriate version, but, as I understand it, this is a lie). After allowing the installation of one or another version, error 400 pops up (which means, as I understand it, "Internet connection error"). I tried to solve this problem with chatgpt, but it could not help me in any way. I am writing this post now and if there are people who code minecraft mods for old versions using Mac Silicone, please respond.
For an answer, you can also write to me in discord: somikyy. All answers written to me in PM will be published here.
I hope this post will also be useful for your subsequent questions about modding on forge 1.8.9.