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Everything posted by Nish

  1. Hey First of i would just like to say thank you for all of your hard work on forge. It has made my minecraft experience quite enjoyable. I would just like to say that i have found a bug. when you put on armour you cant see it on you eve in your inventory or when you go f5 mode. This also occurs with weapons when your in first person you can see yourself holding it but in third person you cant. Secondly with the manual installation i know that we have to put the forge in the .jar and that the .json is missing some text for it to work with forge. The only way that i find this text is using the installer installing the forge version and copying the text from the auto installer .json to my manual install. is their anyway you could paste the code to make this easier. just to let you know it does work when i copy over the forge json. Thank you Nish
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