Hello, and happy new year!
I've returned to modding while on break from work, and cannot make heads or tails of the method for setting the correct tool for breaking a custom block. This should be a simple affair, but after digging through the vanilla files, all I could find was
(and axe, hoe, shovel). So I figured this must be how they're specifying the tool for each block. Yet, after implementing a similar file in my own data folder, it still doesn't work.
Plus, this doesn't address the issue of specifying what level of tool is required (wood/stone/iron, etc).
So, please... how should this be being done, properly? And could it be done through the Java code rather than JSON files, without overriding functions for block breaking? I'm either missing something obvious, or -- as is more likely the case -- this is just far more convoluted than it ought to be, for something that should just be a field or two in the Block Properties.